Academic Degrees
B Bachelor’s | D Doctoral | M Master’s | C Graduate Certificate
100+ undergraduate majors and programs • 70 master’s programs • 35 doctoral programs
Institutional Accreditation Information
- Accounting B, M
- Athletic Training M
- Animal and Veterinary Sciences B
- Animal Science M
- Anthropology B, M, D
- Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources, M, D
- Art:
- Autism Spectrum Disorders C
- Biochemistry B
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology D
- Biomedical Sciences D
- Biology B, D
- Bioinformatics M
- Botany B, M
- Botany and Plant Pathology M
- Business Administration B, C, M (M.B.A.)
- International Business (concentration)
- Entrepreneurship (concentration)
- Business Information Systems and Security Management B
- Chemistry B, M, D
- Child Development and Family Relations B
- Communication B, M, D
- Communication Sciences and Disorders B, M
- Computer Science B, M, D
- Earth and Climate Sciences B, M, D
- Ecology (Wildlife) and Environmental Sciences B, M, D
- Economics B, M
- Economics
- Education Pre-K–12 D
- Education:
- Classroom Technology Integrationist C
- Early Childhood C
- Educational Leadership, K-12 C, M, D
- Elementary B,
- Higher Education C, M, D
- Human Development M
- Instructional Technology M
- Kinesiology and Physical Education B, M
- Literacy C, M, D
- Science M
- Secondary B
- Special Education C, M
- STEM Education D
- Teaching M
- Engineering:
- Engineering Technology:
- English B, M
- Entomology M
- Environmental Horticulture B
- Finance B
- Food Science and Human Nutrition B, M
- Food and Nutrition Science D
- Forest Operations, Bioproducts and Bioenergy B
- Forest Resources M, D
- Forestry B, M
- French B, M
- Global Policy M
- History B, M, D
- Horticulture M
- Human Centered Technology Design B
- Individualized Program C, M, D
- Interdisciplinary Studies M, D
- International Affairs B
- Intermedia M
- Journalism B
- Management B
- Marine:
- Marketing B
- Mathematics B, M
- Media Studies B
- Microbiology B, M, D
- Molecular and Cellular Biology B
- Music B
- Music:
- New Media B
- Nursing B, C, M
- Oceanography M, D
- Parks, Recreation and Tourism B
- Philosophy B
- Physics B, M, D
- Plant Science D
- Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences M
- Political Science B
- Psychology B, M, D
- Quaternary and Climate Studies M
- Romance Languages B
- Spatial Information Science and Engineering M, D
- Sport Management B
- Social Work B, M
- Sociology B
- Spanish B, M
- Sustainable Agriculture B
- Sustainable Food Systems B
- Theatre B
- Wildlife Conservation M
- Wildlife Ecology B, M, D
- Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies B, M
- Zoology B, M, D
5-year degree programs
- 1-year M.B.A. Business
- 5-year M.A. in Economics (non-thesis)
- 5-year M.A. in Engineering (non-thesis)
- B.A./B.S. Engineering with an M.B.A.
- M.A. in Global Policy with an M.B.A.
- Full list of accelerated programs