Advancement partners work closely with campus colleagues, alumni and friends to secure a bright future for the University of Maine. If you would like to make a gift, we encourage you to visit our online giving site for a safe and convenient way to make a difference for UMaine.
University of Maine Foundation
2 Alumni Place, Orono, ME 04469
Phone: (207) 581-5100 Fax: (207) 581-5110
The University of Maine Foundation, acting as a separate organization, will work collaboratively with all entities to encourage philanthropic support by growing the endowment through planned/deferred giving for the University of Maine and other charitable organizations while carrying out the donor’s wishes in perpetuity.
Executive Leadership:Executive Leadership: Jeffery N. Mills ’82, Ph.D., President/CEO, jeffmills@maine.edu
University of Maine Alumni Association
1 Alumni Place, Orono, ME 04469
Phone: (207) 581-1138 Fax: (207) 581-1115
We represent the interests of all Alumni who share the common bond of having attended the University of Maine. We represent their thinking and their expectations to the University’s leadership, to the student community, and to the residents and elected officials of Maine. We are the independent voice of the alumni.
We also represent the interests of the university to all alumni.
From our unique vantage point, we provide alumni with relevant programs, events, networking, information and incentives to encourage them to engage in an enriching lifelong connection with the university that benefits both the university and the alumni.
Executive Leadership: John N. Diamond ’77, ’89G, President/Executive Director
University of Maine Pulp & Paper Foundation
5737 Jenness Hall, Orono, Maine 04469
Phone: (207) 581-2297 Fax: (207) 581-2000
Executive Leadership: Carrie Enos ’99, Executive Director
Maine 4-H Foundation
9 Olson Road
South Paris, Maine 04281
Phone: (207) 743-6329 Toll-free in Maine (207) 287-0274
Fax: (207) 581-3325
The Maine 4-H Foundation cultivates, promotes and secures financial resources to support the 4-H Youth Development program statewide. The University of Maine Cooperative Extension oversees the 4-H Youth Development program as part of the National Land Grant mission.
Executive Leadership: Susan Jennings ’81, Executive Director and Resource Development Officer, Cooperative Extension