“The Office of Research Development’s mission is to promote a culture of research excellence statewide.”


  • Identifies targeted funding opportunities
  • Provides proposal development support
  • Leads training and professional development opportunities
  • Facilitates writing groups for recurring grant programs (USDA, NSF, NIH, NEH, etc.)
  • Coordinates internal grant funding opportunities and support
  • Manages the UMaine internal limited competition process

Upcoming Outreach Events

ORD is available to discuss your specific funding needs and help identify potential federal and foundation opportunities. Please reach out to one of our team members; or general inquiries can be emailed to: ord@maine.edu.

ORD’s Curated Funding Website-a weekly-updated list of federal and foundation grant opportunities; and other available funding opportunity resources.

Pivot-funding database that strengthens research by exploring new avenues for funding and collaboration-for all UMS faculty, staff researchers, and graduate students.

Foundation Directory Online-funding database for private and corporate foundation opportunities.

InfoReady- internal UMaine funding opportunities and application portal.

ORD offers a variety of online workshops that are accessible to UMS faculty, staff and students

UMS Research and Innovation Speaker’s Series-monthly Zoom series showcasing research and educational programming occurring throughout UMS.

ORD’s Professional Development Series– bi-monthly Zoom series focusing researcher-identified topics such as: project management, research collaboration, student mentoring, and much more.

Grants 101– Zoom workshop to learn more about the Pivot funding database and proposal writing strategies, offered in collaboration with Fogler Library; presented annually in October and March.

Finding Funding Challenge-week-long asynchronous experience, offered in collaboration with Fogler Library; each day you will receive an email with short, self-paced tasks designed to build your grant seeking skills; available annually in December. 

ORD offers a variety of cohort-based opportunities designed to build professional networks and collaborations; develop skills to secure grant funding in support of research and scholarly pursuits; and faculty career development.

Grants Academy-academic year-long cohort experience to build networks, help development research ideas, identify funding opportunities, and proposal writing skills; open at all UMS researchers

Research Ambassadors-academic year-long cohort experience to build cross-campus networks, encourage research collaborations, identify funding opportunities and available research resources and support; open at all UMS researchers

EMPOWER (Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research) year-long faculty mentoring experience, offered in collaboration with the Office of Research and the Office of the Provost; open to UM/UMM faculty

ORD is available to support you through the proposal development process- below are links to the three most commonly requested proposal resources.

ORD is available to help find potential collaborative partners that can broaden the impacts of your research projects and programs.

NSF defines broader impacts as the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes. Broader impacts can be integrated into all fields of research and scholarly activities throughout UMS: community educational engagement, K-12 outreach, community and economic development; workforce development; health and well-being; societal and global needs; and many more.

ORD is available to support you and your research endeavors; please click on the more information button below to learn more about our team-general inquiries can be sent to ord@maine.edu.

ORD Research Impact Showcase

Dr. Sara Flanagan, Assistant Professor of Special Education, School of Learning and Teaching at the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development has received support from the Office of Research Development through direct consultation, funding opportunities identification, proposal development, proposal narrative support, proposal supporting documents, and proposal feedback. Dr. Flanagan also participated in the Grants Academy cohort, the Research Ambassadors cohort, and the EMPOWER cohort offered through the Office of Research Development as professional development opportunities for faculty and students.

“Working with the Office of Research Development has been nothing but fantastic across all aspects, including finding funding options and “fleshing out” grant ideas. With ORD support I received a RRF grant for cross-campus collaboration that hired two undergraduate students and allowed us to purchase software for data analysis. It also provided opportunities for two students to participate in the data analysis and “cleaning” process for a large study. This has led to additional collaboration with the Maine Department of Education and other studies, including looking at reading instructional needs from the view of the K-12 student. This study led to articles specifically for Maine teachers published in an outlet they can access about needs concerning teaching, reading, and writing for students with disabilities. It has also influenced other literacy work state-wide. Additionally, this grant led to ongoing collaborations with faculty at the University of Maine Farmington and University of Southern Maine.”

Supported Proposals

Outreach & Cohorts

Awarded Submissions

ORD Support
Data FY23

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Links to University of Maine Research Offices