Outreach Events

UMS Research and Innovation Speaker Series title on a blue slide with map of Maine showing the location of the UMS campuses

Mar. 3rd: Rural Issues’ Research
4-H Maple Woodlands Agriculture and Workforce Development
Andrew Hudacs, Cooperative Extension 4-H
Rural Resilience: The Role for Innovative Public Transportation
Jonathan Rubin, Director, Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center; CJ Evans-Ralston & Kathleen Spear (undergraduate researchers)

Apr. 7th: Building Ethical Resilience Among College Students Using Metacognitive Approaches
Ross Hickey– Assistant Provost for Research Integrity;
Bruce Thompson– Professor of Psychology
University of Southern Maine

May 5th: “Development of Cost Effective Biosorbents to Remediate Heavy Metals and PFAS Contaminated Wastewater” (MEIF-SCI)
Udaya Jayasundara, Assistant Professor of Chemistry; UMPI

professional development infographic showing an upward rising yellow arrow

Feb. 12thSupporting Student Research
Sandra De Urioste-Stone- Associate Professor of Nature-based Tourism/Assistant Vice President for Research (NSF-NRT)
Heather HamlinProfessor and Director of the School of Marine Sciences; UMaine (NSF S-STEM)

Feb. 26th-Measuring Research Impacts

Mar. 12thHHS, NIH, HRSA
David Harder– Director, UMaine Institute of Medicine/ University Research Professor of Medicine
Jeffrey Hecker– Professor of Psychology & Director of Clinical Training (HRSA)

Mar. 26thOpen Access/Creative Commons
Casey Koons– Open Scholarship Librarian; Fogler

April: 9thED, IES, Foundations
Sara Flanagan– Assistant Professor of Special Education (ED)
Bridie McGreavy Associate Professor of Communication and Journalism (Foundation)

Apr. 23rdData Management/Security
Megan Tardif- Director, Coordinated Operating Research Entities (CORE); UM

May 14th Early Career Funding
Evan Wujcik– Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (NSF)
Qing Jin Assistant Professor of Food Science (USDA)

May 28thResearch Infrastructure & Support

Grants 101: Seeking, Analyzing, and Writing Basics (Zoom)
This workshop will provide information and instruction on how to set-up and use Pivot- a funding opportunity database accessible across UMS- along with general strategies on reading funding calls and proposal writing. Mar 18th; 10am-12pm; Click to Register

Finding Funding Challenge (asynchronous)
Each day, for five days, participants will receive an email with short, self-paced tasks designed to build grantsmanship skills. You will learn how to effectively and efficiently find funding opportunities tailored to your creative and scholarly interests, strategically read and respond to a funding call, and make your grant proposal a standout. December 16th-20th; RSVP to join the Challenge

Are their specific innovative research projects, programs, initiatives, or professional development topics that you would recommend? 
Please email us today with your suggestions and/or your interest in being a presenter or panelist.