Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources

The program leading to the MS and PhD degrees in Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources is an interdisciplinary program with core faculty drawn from the School of Food and Agriculture, the School of Marine Sciences, School of Biology and Ecology, the School of Economics, and the College of Engineering. The graduate program in Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources is designed to train professionals for a career in aquaculture and related industries or for further academic training.  

The MS and PhD degrees are intended to have a strong basis in the biological and/or physical sciences with additional training and research opportunities in areas such as aquatic health, physiology and nutrition, aquaculture production, engineering, food science and technology, social sciences, policy, and economics.

The Program Faculty come from multiple disciplinary areas including engineering, pathology, physiology, nutrition, seafood processing, and population and habitat modeling. Faculty work with a variety of aquatic species including, but not limited to: cod, halibut, salmon, trout, oysters, clams, mussels, sea urchins, sea horses, abalone, seaweed, and lobsters.

Extensive analytical facilities and associated research support are available on the Orono campus, and at off-campus locations both east and west of Orono including the Aquaculture Research Center (ARC), the Matthew Highlands Pilot Plant, Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research (CCAR), and the Marine Science Field Station (MSFS) at the Downeast Institute (DEI).

Since admission into the program depends on obtaining a suitable faculty advisor, interested students should begin the application process by first contacting potential faculty advisors to find out if they anticipate accepting new students. 

Degrees offered: PhD, MS

Program Format: On Campus

Application deadline: Rolling

Test Required: GRE recommended but not required for admission

Contact: Timothy Bowden

Contact Email:

Program Website: Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources