Marine Biology

The M.S. and Ph.D. in Marine Biology are designed to provide students with a broad knowledge base in marine biology in areas including, but not restricted to, taxonomy/systematics, comparative morphology, evolution, genetics, physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and ecology. Marine Biology is a dynamic field, and our programs are flexibly designed to accommodate new discoveries and technologies.

Course requirements for all students are SMS 500 (Marine Biology), one semester of statistics at the graduate level, one semester of seminar (SMS 691) and a basic knowledge of descriptive oceanography.  Students interact closely with their committees to select additional coursework that provides both a broad knowledge base in marine biology and specific emphases appropriate for their research (e.g., aquaculture, biological oceanography, biology of fishes, ecology, invertebrate biology, marine algae, molecular biology). For more degree requirements, consult the Handbook for Graduate Programs and the Marine Biology Milestone Tracking form.

Required Core Courses

To maintain maximum flexibility, the majority of courses comprising a student’s Program of Study will be determined by the student in consultation with his/her major advisor and advisory committee. Requirements include:

  • Basic knowledge of descriptive oceanography equivalent to SMS 302.  Coursework taken prior to matriculation needs to be approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator.
  • SMS 500 – Marine Biology Credits: 4
  • SMS 691 – Marine Science Seminar Credits: 1
  • Participation in SMS Graduate Student Symposium during each year of full-time study.
  • One semester of graduate level statistics.

Program of Study

Students will be expected to develop special expertise in an area of marine biology.  A Program of Study with additional coursework will be established in close consultation with the student’s advisor and committee to build the foundation of the student’s expertise.

Program Coordinator

Damian Brady
Assistant Professor
193 Clarks Cove Road
Walpole, ME  04573