UMaine Research News

portrait of Jose Colon Quintana

José Luis Colón Quintana: Researching large-scale additive manufacturing

José Luis Colón Quintana has a passion for life. Born and raised in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, he has traveled extensively, recording much of it on his vlog. You might also find him flying drones or picking up new musical instruments to learn. His excitement for discovering and learning new things led him to the University […]

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group picture of EMPOWER workshop attendees

UMaine EMPOWER program hosts workshop

The Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER) held a workshop for mentors and mentees, and other UMaine faculty interested in serving as mentors under the program on May 20, bringing to a conclusion the program’s inaugural year. Adapted from a similar program developed and successfully implemented at Indiana University […]

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graphic with words Faculty Research Fund Awards 2022

2022 Faculty Research Funds Announcement

The Faculty Research Fund program aims to support faculty in establishing or maintaining high-quality research programs and other creative achievements. Competitions are held annually and funded by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School through a review and nomination process by the Faculty Research Fund Committee.  This year […]

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Update regarding research activity and research-related travel guidelines

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School no longer requests notification of research activity for faculty, staff, and students, except in cases where the research involves travel to countries with a US State Department Travel Advisory Level of 3. Moreover, no Level 4 travel is allowed by UMS.Steps to request an […]

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Winners of the 2022 Faculty Mentor Impact Awards announced

UMaine aims to recognize exceptional faculty mentors who have an important impact on their students. Each year, the Office of the Vice President of Research and the Dean of the Graduate School solicits nominations for outstanding faculty mentors from undergraduate and graduate students. Nominees and their students are invited to attend the Faculty Mentor Impact […]

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Faculty Research Fund Program 2022 now accepting submissions

The Faculty Research Fund Program assists faculty in establishing or maintaining high-quality research programs and other creative achievements. The Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School provides funds for this program and proposals are reviewed by a panel of faculty peers.  Eligibility is limited to full-time UMaine and UMM faculty, which includes tenured, tenure-eligible, and soft-money faculty for whom research is an expected component of their appointment.  There are three competitive […]

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The IMRC Center expands support for research innovation

Since transitioning to a unit under the Coordinating Operating Research Entities (CORE) in 2020, the Innovative Media Research and Commercialization Center or IMRC Center, has embraced new opportunities to support research initiatives, academic curricula, and external commercial projects with access to resources and services. The 2021-22 academic year has seen a 100% increase in IMRC […]

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Graduate students at commencement

Graduate School sets records for Academic Year 2021

In spite of the continuing pandemic, the University of Maine’s graduate enrollment has consistently increased over the past few years, setting records in the 2020-21 academic year, and then breaking those records this fall term. A total of 2,542 graduate students were enrolled in classes for the 2021 fall semester, surpassing the previous record enrollment […]

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Abedi elected Vice President of IEEE’s Council on Radio Frequency Identification

Ali Abedi, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Associate Vice President for Research has been elected as the next Vice President of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Council on Radio Frequency Identification (CRFID) for 2022-2023 term. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE, is the largest technical professional organization in […]

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ORC launches new Research Compliance Newsletter

The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) invites you to subscribe to the new Research Compliance newsletter. Compliance is a critical component of all research conducted at UMaine. The Office of Research Compliance provides the resources and support necessary to assist researchers with conducting ethical research and to ensure that all members of the university community […]

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career award recipients

UMaine celebrates highest number of NSF CAREER Award Recipients in 2021

The year 2021 marked a first for UMaine, as four faculty members were selected in the same year for the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, a premier early career funding mechanism, which is intended to support enduring success in scholarship, teaching, and public service. This prominent award recognizes the exceptional potential of the […]

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UMaine and Beyond: The UMaine MARINE Initiative

The state of Maine has 3,500 miles of beautiful coastlines and many other inland waterways. And thriving spaces for outdoor recreation and tourism. Maine’s marine environment is also home to an essential fishing and aquaculture industry.   The University of Maine MARINE initiative began as a series of small conversations and meetings between researchers across UMaine […]

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UMaine Research announces staff promotions

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School is pleased to announce recent office staff promotions. Kevin Wentworth has been promoted to Assistant Director of Advanced Research Computing, Data Security, and Information Management (ARCSIM), effective June 1st. Rebecca Kennedy has been promoted to Senior Financial Manager in the Office […]

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image of researchers next to salmon tanks

New USDA grant builds on Aquaculture Research Institute partnerships to advance sustainability in land-based salmon aquaculture

The University of Maine Aquaculture Research Institute (ARI) in collaboration with the lead institution University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) has been awarded a $10 million U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant to research land-based salmon aquaculture. The Sustainable Aquaculture Systems Supporting Atlantic Salmon project, also known as SAS2, brings together several academic and federal […]

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COVID-19 Research Continuity Update

Dear Colleagues, Due to the ongoing pandemic conditions, researchers are asked to continue to follow all UMS, State, and CDC guidelines. Moreover, current guidelines do NOT require approval for domestic in-state or out-of-state travel. International travel for research continues to be restricted per UMS guidelines. Please note that research with human subjects also continues to have some restrictions, detailed on the Office of […]

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University of Maine research productivity at all-time high, despite the pandemic

Dear Colleagues, While fiscal year 2021 will be marked by COVID-19 and the considerable challenges that come with a global pandemic, it will also be marked by the great accomplishments and the inspiring collaborations, teamwork, and resilience that have taken place at the University of Maine. As Maine’s research university, its research impacts all areas […]

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UMaine launches new mentoring program for researchers

A new initiative to support UMaine and University of Maine at Machias faculty at multiple stages of career development was launched earlier this year. This new program is offered by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School in partnership with the Office of the Executive Vice President for […]

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scene from the documentary

UMM Downeast Documentary crew reveals local and global stories

Creative Arts Faculty Alan Kryszak and his film students at UMaine Machias are drawing critical acclaim for their latest feature “Privacy & The Power of Secrets”. The documentary shows different perspectives around data privacy and surveillance. Investigations into the past and present explore how collecting information affects society. From historical documents to face recognition technology, […]

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CUGR video spotlight features summer fellows

A new video promoting the Center for Undergraduate Research features students awarded Summer Fellowships and MSGC Research Experiences. The students including Morgan Oehler, Rose Thayer, Sara Loiselle, Aldous Hofmann, and Basel White worked throughout the summer in labs and in the field around campus. The video was supported by the Office of the Vice President […]

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Photo of Vinzani workin with students

Vinzani makes an impression, at UMM and far beyond

Bernie Vinzani’s love of teaching the art of printmaking began when he delivered a hands-on lesson to his peers in an undergraduate speech class at Indiana State University. He demonstrated how to make a print using a piece of cardboard and a potato. Now, Vinzani is a professor of art and book arts at the […]

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Graphic image for faculty research fund awards

2021 Faculty Research Fund Awards announced

The Faculty Research Fund program aims to support faculty in establishing or maintaining high-quality research programs and other creative achievements. Competitions are held annually and funded by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School through a review and nomination process by the Faculty Research Fund Committee. Regular Faculty […]

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UMaine Arctic initiative announces inaugural Seed Grant awardees

The UMaine Arctic initiative is pleased to announce winners of a new competitive seed grant program, created to facilitate research collaborations across Arctic research disciplines. The purpose of the UMaine Arctic initiative is to bring together people across the UMaine and UMM campuses with an interest in the high latitudes and, additionally, develop and strengthen […]

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EPIC students create affordable crop monitoring system for small farms in Maine

A team of students making up the first cohort at the UMaine Experiential Learning Innovation Central (EPIC) engineered a low-cost monitoring system for local farmers. Guided by mentors Peter Schilling, Sean Taylor, and professor Ali Abedi, the multidisciplinary team included junior in civil and environmental engineering Kettie Cormier, first-year mechanical engineering student Camden Sawyer, and […]

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Bock uses virtual reality to improve mathematics education

Camden Bock is a Ph.D. candidate in the STEM Education program at the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development. Bock looks at how technologies, like virtual reality, can be used to analyze three-dimensional objects and researches how these technologies can be used to help students understand three-dimensional mathematical objects in three-dimensional space. […]

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Institute of Medicine Internal Seed Grant awardees announced

The Institute of Medicine at the University of Maine coordinates and supports the research and public outreach efforts of some of the state’s leading experts, whose research and scholarly work at UMaine advances rural health care, diagnostic medicine, immune system diseases and disorders, and medical humanities. In March 2021, The Institute of Medicine (IoM) requested […]

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From grassroots to global: the evolution of the UMaine Arctic initiative

UMaine Arctic began as a movement to connect researchers on campus who were interested in the region. Today, the initiative is one of the most interdisciplinary projects on campus, with membership spanning across 20 different departments and schools. The idea for UMaine Arctic spurred from a program that was launched at the University of New […]

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How Research Data Management benefits everyone through open access

Research Data Management (RDM) is a systematic and planned approach to the entire life cycle of scholarly data: from the collection, creation, and/or observation to documentation, storage, and sharing. All researchers engage in RDM in some capacity, but the better a project’s research data is managed, the better the impact the project will have beyond […]

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right whale photo

EPIC students redesign lobster traps to save right whales

A team of students making up the first cohort at the UMaine Experiential Learning Innovation Central (EPIC) redesigned lobster trapping mechanisms in order to protect right whales. Guided by faculty mentors Jason Bolton, John Belding, and Ali Abedi, the team included Hannah Milne, a first-year chemical engineering student; Alexis Bader and Benjamin Swanson, students both […]

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UMaine researcher studies conflict and violent extremism around the world

Bill Farrell looks at the dynamics of conflict and violent extremism. He has conducted field research in countries across Central Asia, the Caucasus region, and Africa. He has met with government officials, community leaders, stakeholders, and an array of people who have had family members and friends mobilize to violent extremism. Farrell is an assistant […]

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Landazuri portrait

Landazuri helps translate the first recorded accounts of El Niño

Examining history can reveal some of the same problems faced today, along with how to cope with them. On the northern coast of Peru, a hot spot for El Niño events, Andean indigenous groups adapted for thousands of years through methods like cycling farming to higher ground. Some of these agricultural methods were previously revealed […]

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Image of ARCSIM banner

New research computing initiative combines services across UMaine

Launched in Spring 2019, the Advanced Research Computing (ARC) initiative was created to support the unique research computing needs of faculty and other researchers at the University of Maine. With ARC’s successful track record over the past two years in addressing these needs, and in an effort to create even greater synergy and coordination, ARC […]

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UMSpaceSafe app for documenting research space use to be discontinued

With the recent changes to UMS COVID-19 guidelines, the UMSpaceSafe app is being decommissioned. UMSafeSpace was a tool to document research space use for the purpose of managing and mitigating hazards, including potential COVID-19 exposure. The Office of the Vice President of Research and Dean of the Graduate School requested during the academic year 2020-2021 […]

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Portland at night

UMaine announces new Portland Gateway, names Alice Veazey director

Portland, Maine — A new Portland Gateway for the University of Maine has been established to provide a one-stop connection and point of access to the vast array of innovative research, education and outreach resources, programs and services at the state’s research university in Orono and its facilities statewide. The Portland Gateway offers opportunities for […]

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Sandra De Urioste Stone portrait

UMaine announces new Assistant Vice President for Research

Sandra De Urioste-Stone, associate professor of nature-based tourism in the School of Forest Resources has been named Assistant Vice President for Research at the University of Maine starting June 1st. De Urioste-Stone received her Ph.D. from the University of Idaho. Prior to joining the University of Maine in 2012, she served as department chair, instructor […]

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COVID-19 Research Continuity Update

Effective immediately, all research activity will now require notification versus approval, unless it involves domestic out-of-state and international travel, which is currently prohibited unless an exception is sought and granted.   Researchers are still asked to follow all UMS, State, and CDC guidelines. Currently, these guidelines require approval by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of […]

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First cohort of EPIC completes course, advancing experiential learning, research and innovation

When students from varying disciplines work together to solve real-world problems, they gain research and collaborative skills through the experience. The earlier the foundation can be laid to build these skills, the better-prepared students will be when they enter the workforce. The UMaine Experiential Learning Innovation Central (EPIC) offers exactly this preparation, seamlessly blending learning […]

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Photo of students

UMaine researchers look at tidal energy in the Western Passage through an interdisciplinary lens

A team of students and researchers, led by Kristina Cammen, participated in the development and implementation of interdisciplinary methodologies in environmental science. Their findings, recently published in Oceanography, outline methods to provide undergraduate students with research experience, using an interdisciplinary framework for training, research and communication. The team used a case study focused on the […]

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picture of an iceberg

Schild examines impact of icebergs on ocean circulation, climate, coastal communities

Kristin Schild, a physical glaciologist at the University of Maine, broadly studies interactions between ice and the ocean. Her research has taken her all over the world, including to Greenland and Patagonia, at the southern tip of South America. Schild became interested in glaciology through physics. She completed her undergraduate degree in psychology, with physics […]

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COVID-19 Research Continuity Update

April 2, 2021: The following is an update on the University’s Plan for Phased Continuity of the Research Enterprise and also, an update regarding the submission and approval of research and scholarly activity requests for Spring and Summer 2021. We have been in Phase 3 of the Phased Research Continuity Plan since August 1, 2020, and […]

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NSF EPSCoR RII Track-4 Office Hours Announcement

The Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is hosting virtual office hours to share information about the Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track-4: EPSCoR Research Fellows solicitation. This opportunity provides awards to build research capacity in institutions and transform the career trajectories of investigators and to further develop their individual research potential through extended collaborative […]

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Portrait of Charitha Perera

Perera discovers potential coating agent for textiles that decomposes sweat

Duwage Charitha Perera is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Chemistry. Her key research interest is to study the catalytic behavior of small metal clusters using density functional theory or DFT. She is originally from Sri Lanka. Most graduate students embark on a single research project, but Perera decided to finish the work she […]

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Image of Sue Ishaq.

Ishaq links gut health to social equity, advocates for policy discussion

Gut microbial communities are found throughout the digestive tract of all humans, animals and insects. As a human host to these living microbes, our diets, lifestyles and environmental factors recruit different microbes into our gut and retain them, or make circumstances hospitable.  The lack of consistent access to fresh and nutrient-dense foods can compound unhealthy […]

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oyster farm in the Damariscotta River image

UMaine aquaculture researcher receives funding for COVID-19 relief project

University of Maine aquaculture researcher Meggan Dwyer, one of 10 winners in October’s Maine Sea Grant’s Buoy Maine competition, received $14,000 for her project titled “Can It, Maine! Adding Value and Resilience to Maine’s Shellfish Seafood Sector.” The Buoy Maine competition was developed to strengthen coastal/marine seafood and tourism-related industries, as well as redefining these […]

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UMaine Graduate School records all-time high student enrollment

For the first time in its history, the University of Maine graduate student enrollment has exceeded 2400 students following a record-breaking year of admissions. Scott Delcourt, Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies, noted that “spring enrollment is usually about 10% less than the previous fall’s enrollment, so to set an all-time high graduate enrollment in […]

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Area Shot of Maine Coast Line

UMaine MARINE – Enhancing Social, Environmental and Economic Wellbeing

UMaine MARINE, a new initiative launched by the University of Maine to make Maine a global leader as a marine state. Since its formation in Fall 2017, the UMaine Marine Sciences Advisory Council has supported in a coordinated and synergistic manner the growth and development of research and scholarly activity in marine sciences, and has […]

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Light Bulb with Gears and Puzzle Items

New certificate in research, innovation and strategy offers experiential learning opportunities to students

Over the past two years, the Experiential Program Innovation Central (EPIC) committee has developed guiding principles for collaboration among a group of centers and partnered with the Division of Lifelong Learning (DLL) to implement innovative programming across majors. The result has been the creation of the first Certificate in Research Innovation and Strategy (CRIS) with […]

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Maine Port Side

A piece of the puzzle: Lydia Horne’s contribution to Mitchell Center’s community-based climate planning project

Lydia Horne recently graduated from the Ecology and Environmental Sciences program advised by Dr. Sandra De Urioste-Stone. She has since become a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Northern Colorado, but is continuing to collaboratively lead a project with fellow NRT students funded by the Mitchell Center, entitled “Developing a Transdisciplinary Participatory Framework as a […]

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Justin Wolff: Presenting art as a common experience

Justin Wolff is a professor of art history at the University of Maine. He teaches courses on modern, contemporary, and American art as well as art theory and criticism. His research focuses on 19th and 20th-century American art and culture. Wolff’s new book titled “Rufus Porter’s Curious World: Art and Invention in America 1815-1860” was […]

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The word research in all caps font typed on a torn paper and glasses

Search for Assistant VP for Research

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School is currently searching internally for one or two Assistant Vice Presidents for Research. The purpose of these positions is to assist the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School (VPRDGS) in the realization of initiatives, programs, and services […]

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Researchers find possible link between drinking water and mysterious kidney disease

UMaine researchers contributed to a March 2020 article that studies the effects of chemicals found in drinking water – and how the combination of certain chemicals could be the cause of a mysterious, chronic kidney disease impacting millions of people around the world. Assistant Professor of Environmental Physiology, Nishad Jayasundara, and doctoral candidate Remy Babich, […]

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Graduate School Reaches Record-High Enrollment

The University of Maine Graduate School reports its highest enrollment numbers since 2010. In 2020, the total number of graduate students enrolled is 2,276 with a doctoral headcount of 517 – the first time doctoral enrollment has ever exceeded 500, and tops the previous high mark of 463 in 2012. “Graduate students contribute significantly to […]

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Faculty Research Fund AY20-21, RRF Program Announcement

Program announcements for the UMaine Faculty Research Funds (FRF) and the University of Maine System Research Reinvestment Fund (RRF) have been released and can now be viewed in the InfoReady grant review portal. A listing of available programs and associated due dates are listed below. Please review the program announcements located within InfoReady for more […]

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Abedi promoted to Associate Vice President for Research

Dr. Ali Abedi has been promoted from Assistant to Associate Vice President for Research in recognition of his accomplishments in the advancement of research at the University of Maine, and its impact on Maine and beyond. His accomplishments include the continued growth of the Center for Undergraduate Research, development of the UMaine AI webinar series, […]

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UMaine Achieves Record Growth Despite COVID-19 Challenges

Recently, it was announced that the University of Maine has set a new record in funding generated in support of research and development activities. Today, the final numbers have been determined, indicating that $125.2 million in R&D funding has been generated in fiscal year 2020. This corresponds to a 120% increase over the past four […]

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Institute of Medicine Announcement

Launched in Fall 2018, the UMaine Medicine initiative was intended to support in a coordinated and synergistic manner the growth and development of research and scholarly activity in health and life sciences, and to better position the university with related community outreach and engagement efforts. Through the contribution of many faculty and other participants, and […]

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Research Q&A Session Planned for September 21

All University of Maine members are invited to attend an informational Research Q&A session to be held live via Zoom on September 21. The virtual event will present updates and resources for the research community and an opportunity for Q&A with the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School. To submit research-related […]

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Susan Smith named director of MA, MFA programs in intermedia

Dr. Susan L. Smith assumed the duties of director of the MA and MFA programs in intermedia effective September 1, 2020. Susan takes over leadership of the program from Dr. Owen Smith, the founding director of the intermedia program, which began admitting graduate students in 2008. Susan has a long record of involvement with the […]

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University of Maine Research Funding at All-Time High

The University of Maine sets a new record, by generating $104.2 million in research grants and awards in fiscal year 2020. This is an all-time high level of externally-generated research funding realized by the university. It corresponds to an 80 percent increase in external research funding over the past three years. This extraordinary increase stems […]

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2020 Faculty Research Fund image

2020 Faculty Research Fund Awards Announcement

The Faculty Research Fund program aims to support faculty in establishing or maintaining high quality research programs and other creative achievements. Competitions are held annually and funded by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School through a review and nomination process by the Faculty Research Fund Committee. The […]

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CORE Welcomes Dr. Evanoff as Operations Manager

The Coordinated Operating Research Entities (CORE) team welcomes Dr. David Evanoff as the new Operations Manager starting August 1. Dr. Evanoff is a native of Western Pennsylvania and earned a B.S. in Chemistry from Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA in 2001. In 2005, he received a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry in 2005 from Clemson […]

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Update on the Plan for Phased Continuity of the Research Enterprise

July 31, 2020: The following is an update on the University’s Plan for Phased Continuity of the Research Enterprise and also, an update regarding the submission and approval of research and scholarly activity requests. We will be moving to Phase 3 of the plan as of August 1st. Phase 3 involves an increase in on-site […]

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AI Initiative Seed Grant Awards Announced

Earlier this year, the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School announced the University of Maine Artificial Intelligence Initiative. Its vision is to make Maine a world-class hub for AI research, education and applications through its mission to develop transformative AI-based solutions that enhance the social and economic well-being […]

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Melissa Maginnis CUGR image block

CUGR welcomes Dr. Melissa Maginnis as Associate Director

Dr. Melissa Maginnis has been appointed as Associate Director of the Center for Undergraduate Research (CUGR) effective July 1st, 2020. “Dr. Maginnis is one of our most active and engaged faculty mentors, with demonstrated high quality research as evidenced by the number of highly competitive awards won by her students”, said Assistant Vice President Abedi, […]

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cover image of the grant report

UMaine Medicine releases 2020 update

The importance of medical research is incredibly significant in the era of COVID-19. Teams of researchers at the University of Maine have contributed to medical knowledge for years and continue to make strides that will have a lasting impact on our community, the nation and the world. The Office of the Vice President for Research […]

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Plan for Phased Continuity of the Research Enterprise

A message from the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School I am writing to share with you the University’s Plan for Phased Continuity of the Research Enterprise, and to provide an update regarding the submission and approval of research and scholarly activity requests. The attached plan, which has been approved by […]

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Research Town Hall

*This post has been edited to update links to the newly released phased plan and updated messaging from the OVPRDGS. 5-29-20. The COVID-19 Research Continuity Task Force recently held a virtual town hall and received many questions from the UMaine research community. This document highlights as many of the questions and their answers as possible […]

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Virtual Research Town Hall to be held May 21

A virtual Research Town Hall will be held on Thursday, May 21 to discuss the current status of research and proposed plans for the future. The Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, Kody Varahramyan, will host the event and welcomes members of the UMaine and UMM communities to join via Zoom. […]

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May 6: COVID-19 Research Guidelines Update

Dear University of Maine and University of Maine at Machias Colleagues, I am writing to provide you an update in response to Governor Mills’ Stay Safer at Home Executive Order, plan to gradually restart Maine’s economy (PDF), the Chancellor’s extension of the work from home directive through May 31st, and the limiting of in-person events, group gatherings, summer camps, day […]

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IMRC welcomes Drew Hooke as new Operations Manager

Drew Hooke has recently joined the University of Maine community as the Operations Manager at the Innovative Media, Research and Commercialization (IMRC) Center. A Maine native, Drew has worked in New England Higher Education for fifteen years in roles encompassing administration, change and relationship management, event and classroom technology support, media production, audio engineering and […]

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COVID-19 Research Continuity Update

Dear University of Maine and University of Maine at Machias Colleagues, Referring to my last message, I am writing today to provide you with further information on current status and latest developments. As noted in my last message, the current definition of essential research activity and scholarly activity was developed in response to Governor Mills’ Stay […]

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April 9: COVID-19 Research Guidelines Update

I am writing to let you know about an important change in procedure in response to Governor Mills’ Stay Healthy at Home Mandate. We continue to stress that research and scholarly activity should be conducted away from university facilities and field sites, or delayed if necessary. Given the Governor’s mandate and the emphasis to be far more […]

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Tora Johnson

Mapping out a more flood resilient future

University of Maine at Machias researcher finds solutions for community challenges. Tora Johnson, associate professor of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the University of Maine at Machias, conducts research and teaches in the small town of Machias. She also chairs the Environmental and Biological Sciences Division and directs the GIS Service Center. A social scientist […]

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March 24: COVID-19 Research Impact Update

As indicated in my last communication on March 18th, and as mentioned by President Ferrini-Mundy in her March 20th communication, research labs have moved to ‘remote research’ when possible, with small numbers of staff coming in to conduct essential research activities to sustain the most critical functions. Essential means either that the research activity during this period is critical to the health of the public; is of national […]

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March 18: COVID-19 Research Impact Update

As our university continues to closely monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, it remains open and operational, while transitioning to remote or telecommuting arrangements effective Thursday morning, March 19, 2020. To minimize the risk of the spread of COVID-19 and to safeguard the health and safety of the university community, at this time all are […]

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COVID-19 FAQ for Research and Graduate School

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, in collaboration with other offices at the University of Maine, continues to monitor COVID-19 developments that may impact research and graduate studies. We are available to assist the university community with information and support. As needed, we also are available to […]

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Charlebois combines love of music and research

Caleigh Charlebois combined her love of music and research while studying the diversity of repetitive DNA in mice at The Jackson Laboratory in the summer of 2019. Charlebois, a third-year University of Maine zoology student with a minor in professional writing, examined the genomes of 59 mice. With a focus on diversity, she tested a […]

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CAFS team out in forest

CAFS awarded 5-year, $500,000 NSF grant

For over 10 years and counting, the Center for Advanced Forestry Systems (CAFS), a National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center, has successfully provided the critical structure and resources needed for nationally relevant scientific collaboration in the various and emerging areas of applied forest science pertinent to the forest industry in the US. CAFS […]

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Advanced Research Computing background (ARC)

Advanced Research Computing (ARC) updates

The University of Maine Advanced Research Computing (ARC), established in May 2019, is dedicated to supporting the high performance computing (HPC) needs of the university research community, and is associated with the Coordinated Operating Research Entities (CORE). Maisha Asha has joined the ARC team in the role of Project Manager, to support the high performance computing needs of […]

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Dr. Sharmila Mukhopadhyay

Welcome FIRST’s New Director, Dr. Mukhopadhyay

I am delighted to welcome Dr. Sharmila Mukhopadhyay to the University of Maine. She is the new Director of the Frontier Institute for Research in Sensor Technologies (FIRST). She has started in this role on January 1, 2020, after a nationwide search. Dr. Mukhopadhyay’s vision completely aligns with the University vision to grow FIRST into […]

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Students clamming

Elementary students put UMaine clamming research to the test

Gabrielle Hillyer, a Master’s student in oceanography and marine policy, is putting her marine science education into practice by researching water quality issues within the Gulf of Maine in the hopes to improve the solvency of the soft-shell clamming industry. Hillyer studies the impact of bacteria in mudflats on the Medomak River in Waldoboro, Maine […]

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premed program highlight

Premed opportunities in research, outreach for Maine and beyond

Undergraduates in premedical studies have a wide variety of opportunities to connect with others and perform cutting-edge research at the University of Maine. Many majors offer premed concentrations and multiple clubs connect students with the medical industry in Maine and beyond. Katie Tims, from Cornish, chose to attend UMaine because of the large breadth of […]

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World's largest 3D printer

UMaine Composites Center celebrates historic 3D printing event

The Advanced Structures and Composites Center celebrates historic event: Unveiling the world’s largest 3D printer and 3D printed boat “This is a big deal,” said Sen. Angus King at the Oct. 10 unveiling of the world’s largest 3D printer at the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center (UMaine Composites Center). Big, indeed. In […]

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First cohort NRT students

New program aims to prepare the next generation of conservation leaders

A unique traineeship program designed to produce interdisciplinary environmental conservation leaders now offers Master’s and Ph.D. degree opportunities to address the challenges presented by global and local changes in environmental, social, economic and climatic conditions. The National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program has awarded the University of Maine “NRT: Enhancing Conservation Science and Practice” […]

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ARI summer interns

ARI interns dive into hands-on learning with aquaculture industry leaders

A collaborative program between the Aquaculture Research Institute (ARI) at the University of Maine and aquaculture industry partners supported 13 undergraduate interns in a wide range of hands-on research and work experiences this summer. Aquaculture research covers broad topic areas, such as fish health, product development, impacts of ocean acidification, species husbandry and science communication […]

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Call for Concept Papers

The UMS Grand Challenge Pilot Initiative: Rural Health and Wellbeing  is calling for concept papers! Concept papers must be submitted through InfoReady, no later than end-of-day, November 14, 2019. Please visit this page for more details and instructions: UMS Grand Challenges: Call for Concept Papers

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Christine Beitl on boat in Ecuador

Beitl studies social networks in rural Ecuador

Christine Beitl studied the management system of a fishery in a rural coastal community, Isla Costa Rica, in Ecuador as a doctoral student in 2009-10. A new collaborative, cross-cultural study prompted her return to the small town this summer – 10 years later. The three-year NSF ENDOW (Economic Network Dynamics and the Origins of Wealth) […]

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paint and Stethoscope image

New program combines medicine, arts

Some people consider themselves to be a numbers person, more than a creative type. Others feel drawn to the artistic side of life more than the analytical. Since the 1960s, when Nobel-prize winning research painted a picture of a human brain split straight down the middle – it is believed that humans are either right […]

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IMRC Fab Lab

IMRC announces leadership changes

Dr. Owen Smith has recently stepped down from his role as Director of the Innovative Media Research and Commercialization (IMRC) Center to concentrate on directing the Intermedia MFA and MA programs and the development of new initiatives, such as the new Maine Medical Arts Graduate Certificate and Master’s degree program. As the Founding Director of […]

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