Membership Roster 2021-22

Senate Membership Roster 2021/2022

NameTerm Expires JuneTitleCollegeAddressPhoneEmail
Henri Akono2023
1st Term
Assoc Prof AccountingMBSDP Corbett1-1977Send Email
Elizabeth Armstrong2024
1st Term
Asst Prof Social WorkNSFASocial Work Bldg1-2389Send Email
David Barrett2022
1st Term
Lecturer AccountingMBSDP Corbett1-1978Send Email
David Batuski2022
1st Term
Prof PhysicsCLAS117 Bennett1-1035Send Email
Donald Beith2022 1st
Asst Prof PhilopsophyCLAS13 Maples1-3866Send Email
Susan Bennett-Armistead2023 2nd
Assoc Prof LiteracyEDHD215 Shibles1-2904Send Email
Catharine Biddle2024 1st
Assoc Prof Education LeadershipEDHD333 Merrill Hall1-2450Send Email
Carla Billitteri2024 1st
Assoc Prof EnglishCLAS402 Neville1-3805Send Email
Amy Booth2022 1st
Lect Comm Sci & DisordersNSFA322 Dunn1-2011Send Email
Debbie Bouchard2023
1st Term
Asst Ext Prof Aquatic Animal HealthUMCE348 Hitchner1-2767Send Email
Timothy Bowden2024 1st termAssoc Prof AquacultureNSFA237 Hitchner1-12772Send Email
Alice Bruce2023 2nd termProf ChemistryCLAS271 Aubert1-1182Send Email
Stephanie Burnett2024 2nd termAssoc Prof HorticultureNSFADeering Hall1-2837Send Email
Kristina Cammen2022
1st Term
Asst Prof Marine SciNSFA151 Hitchner1-Send Email
Ana Chatenever2024 1st
Lecturer ChemistryCLAS243 Aubert1-1948Send Email
Paula Drewniany2024 1st
Lecturer MathCLAS228 Neville1-3953Send Email
Phil Dunn2023 2nd TermProf Const Eng TechENG132 Boardman1-2326Send Email
Nuri Emanetoglu2023
2nd Term
Assoc Prof Elec/Comp EngENG145 Eng Sci Res Bldg1-2233Send Email
Allison Gardner2023 1st termAsst Prof BiologyNSFA310 Deering1-3115Send Email
Michael Grillo2023 1st TermAssoc Prof ArtCLAS107 Lord Hall1-3246Send Email
Mark Haggerty2023
2nd Term
Assoc Prof Civil EngagementHonors138 Estabrooke1-1856Send Email
Emily Haigh2022
1st Term
Assoc Prof PsychCLAS301B Little1-2038Send Email
Heather Hamlin2022 1st TermAssoc Prof AquacultureNSFA316 Murray1-2563Send Email
Sam Hanes2022 2nd termAsst Prof AnthroCLASSouth Stevens1-1894Send Email
Andre Khalil2023 1st
Assoc ProfENG 1-3911Send Email
Anil Raj Kizha2023 1st
Asst Prof Forest OperationsNSFA217 Nutting1-2851Send Email
Amanda Klemmer2022 1st
Asst Prof Food web ecolNSFA211 Deering Hall1-4513Send Email
Eric Landis2024
1st Term
Prof Civil EngENGBoardman Hall1-2173Send Email
Sara Lello2022 1st termLect Eng/AdvisorCLASEast Annex1-1958Send Email
Sarah Lindahl2024 1st termLect ChemistryCLAS252 Aubert1-1134Send Email
Margo Lukens
2024 2nd termProf EnglishCLAS409 Neville1-3834Send Email
Natalie Machamer2022 1st TermLecturer ChemistryCLAS154 Aubert1-1170Send Email
Ivan Manev
Fac Gov Council Rep
2022 1st termProf MgmtMBS342 DP Corbett1-1984Send Email
Dmitri Markovitch2023 1st termAssoc Prof MgmtMBSDP Corbett1-1968Send Email
Eric Martin2025
1st Term
Lecturer Mech EngENG214 Boardman1-2149Send Email
Derek Michaud2023 1st termLect PhilosophyCLASThe Maples1-3890Send Email
Renae Moran2023
2nd Term
Assoc Prof Food/AgNSFAHighmoor Farm933-2100Send Email
William Dee Nichols
Past President
 Prof Literacy EduEDHDMerrill Hall1-3117Send Email
Harlan Onsrud2023 1st TermProfCLAS340 Boardman1-2175Send Email
Elizabeth Payne2022 1st TermLect EnglishCLAS304 Neville1-3822Send Email
Deborah Rogers2021
1st Term
Prof EnglishCLAS403A Neville1-3807Send Email
Deborah Rooks-Ellis2023
1st Term Comp Asli Term
Asst Prof Sch of LearningEDHD306 Shibles1-2352Send Email
Deborah Saber2022
2nd Term
Asst Prof NursingNSFADunn Hall1-2533Send Email
Michael Scott
2023 1st termLect New MediaCLAS403 Chadbourne1-4330Send Email
Mary MJ Sedlock
2025 2nd termLect Theatre/danceCLASClass 1944 Hall1-4702Send Email
Mohsen Shahinpoor2022 1st termHill Prof Mech EngENG219A Boardman1-2143Send Email
Kathryn Slott SecretarySecretaryAssoc Prof of FrenchCLAS268 Little1-2086Send Email
Sean Smith2024
2nd Term
Assoc Prof Watershed ModlgNSFABrand Global Sci Bldg1-2198Send Email
Rosemary Smith2024
1st Term
Prof Elect/CompENGEng/Sci Bldg 1571-3361Send Email
David Townsend2024 1st TermProf OceanographyNSFA341 Aubert1-4367Send Email
Peter Van Walsum2025
2nd Term
Prof Chem EngENG311 Janness1-2226Send Email
Matthew Wallhead2024 1st termOrnamental HorticultureUMCE495 College Ave1-2949Send Email
Tim Waring2024
1st Term
Assoc Prof Social Eco Syst ModelingNSFA200 Winslow1-3157Send Email
Manuel Worsdorfer2025 1st termAsst Prof Comp/Info SciCLAS249 Boardman1-6623Send Email
Todd Zoroya
Vice President
1st Term
Lect Math/StatsCLAS336 Nevelle1-2314Send Email
Joan Ferrini-Mundy Admin President, University of Maine 200 Alumni1-1512Send Email
John Volin Admin Executive Vice President Academic Affairs &
 201 Alumni Hall1-1547Send Email
Kody Varahramyan
 Vice-President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School 201 Alumni Hall1-1506Send Email
Joanne Yestramski Interim VP/CBO    
Chris Lindstrom Vice Pres HR    
Jake Ward Vice Pres OIED    
Dean’s Council Rep COLLEGE    
Faculty Rep to Athletics      
Jen Bonnet

Peter Altmann

Kylie Trawick

Undergrad Stud
Rep(selected by Stud Gov’t)

   Memorial U1-1775
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Karina Iskandarova

Grad Stud Rep
(selected by
Grad Stud Gov’t)

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