College of Education and Human Development holds 2023 Student Awards Ceremony
The University of Maine College of Education and Human Development held an in-person Student Awards Ceremony for the first time since 2019 on April 18 at Wells Conference Center.
More than 100 students were recognized at the event, which celebrated both academic achievement and participation in student groups and activities. Emily Davison of North Waterboro, Maine was honored as the college’s Outstanding Graduating Student. Davison also was named Outstanding Student in Athletic Training. Mille Baartvedt of Oslo, Norway, a kinesiology and physical education (teaching and coaching concentration) major, was honored as the Outstanding Graduating International Student.
Other individual undergraduate awards:
- Natalie McCarthy, Outstanding Student in Elementary Education
- Alexandria Fountain, Outstanding Student in Secondary Education
- Luke Harper, Outstanding Student in Secondary Education
- Madalene Herbert, Outstanding Student in Early Childhood Education
- Seana Mackeldey, Outstanding Student in Individual and Family Studies
- Tara Flubacher, Outstanding Student in Exercise Science
- Julia Feid, Outstanding Student in Teaching and Coaching
Individual graduate student awards:
- Yagmur Gunel, Outstanding Student in Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction
- Warren Frost, Outstanding Master of Arts in Teaching Student
- Sara Pomeroy, Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (High Incidence Disabilities concentration)
- Carly Frost, Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (Low Incidence Disabilities concentration)
- Patricia Diehlmann, Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (Individualized concentration)
- Mary Bridgham, Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (Ed.S.)
- Ming-Tso Chien, Outstanding Graduate Student in Literacy, Language and Culture
- Joshua Schmidt, Outstanding Achievement in Instructional Technology
- Julianna Cleaves, Outstanding Graduate Assistant in Kinesiology, Physical Education and Athletic Training
- Alexandra Johnson, Outstanding Graduate Student in Kinesiology, Physical Education and Athletic Training
- Emily Kuhlmann, Outstanding Student in Human Development
- Madeline West, Krissy Miner Memorial Award for Outstanding M.Ed. Student in Educational Leadership
- Janet Corcoran, Outstanding Scholarly-Practitioner in Educational Leadership Ed.D. Student (Credo cohort)
- Ashley Reynolds, Outstanding Scholarly-Practitioner in Educational Leadership Ed.D. Student (Beacon Black Bear cohort)
- Sophie Audu, Student Development in Higher Education Excellence Award
- Devin Franklin, Student Development in Higher Education Excellence Award
- Katherine McCarthy, Social Justice in Higher Education Award
- Sabrina Murray, Social Justice in Higher Education Award