Purchase high-efficiency equipment to decrease energy use and save money. Look for the ENERGY STAR label.
Upgrade your home heating system using the whole-house systems approach. By combining proper equipment maintenance and upgrades with recommended insulation, air sealing, and thermostat settings, you can save about 30% on your energy bill while reducing environmental emissions.
Tips for Use:
Set your programmable thermostat as low as is comfortable in the winter and lower the setpoint when you’re sleeping or away from home.
Install a programmable thermostat; this can save about 10% on your heating and cooling bill annually.
Clean or replace filters on furnaces once a month or as recommended.
Clean warm-air registers, baseboard heaters, and radiators as needed; make sure they’re not blocked by furniture, carpeting, or drapes.
Open curtains on the south-facing windows to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home, and close them at night to prevent heat from escaping.
Reverse the spin of ceiling fans to clockwise and adjust to the lowest setting to send warm air down into the living area.
Consider regularly scheduling a time for servicing your furnace. The filter should be changed once a month during the winter.
If you have a fireplace, ensure the damper is tightly closed when not in use to prevent energy flowing out of your house.