Air Conditioners
When Buying:
- Determine which type of air conditioner (central air conditioner, heat pump, or room air conditioner) is best for your needs.
- Purchase energy-efficient systems to reduce energy costs. Look for the ENERGY STAR label.
- Choose the right sized cooling unit for your home to reduce energy waste.
Tips for Use:
- Keep your air filters clean. Filters full of dirt impede air flow through the unit. Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5% to 15%.
- Consider hiring a professional technician to inspect, clean, and tune your system every 2-3 years.
- Set your thermostat as high as possible in the summer. Aim for 78 ºF.
- In summer, keep your house warmer than usual when you are away and lower your thermostat when you are home. This is simple with a programmable thermostat.
- Ventilation is the most energy efficient and low cost cooling system.
- Natural ventilation can be supplemented by ceiling fans, window fans, and whole house fans.
- Prevent heat build up by using window blinds and treatments to block sunlight and radiated heat.