Current International Students

The staff at the Office of International Programs is dedicated to assisting the members of our international student community with the numerous and varied issues that arise when living, working and studying in a new country.  If you are unable to find what you need on this page, please make an appointment.

Not sure where you’ll be living? Curious about the food on campus? Be sure to review the information on the housing page and the meal plan page to learn more about what’s waiting for you when you arrive at UMaine!

A major part of coming to UMaine and having all your documents in order has to do with immunization records and health insurance. You can find more information about both below. Please reach out with questions after you’ve review the information on the respective webpages.

If you wish to have dependents (spouse, children) accompany you to the United States, you must provide documentation of financial support for their estimated expenses ($5,000 per year for the first dependent and $1,500 per year for each additional dependent), name, relationship, date and place of birth and request appropriate immigration documents from the Office of International Programs or your program sponsor. This must be done prior to arrival if you wish dependents to accompany you during the first semester. All dependents in the U.S. must be covered by the University of Maine International Student Medical Insurance or other appropriate coverage.

U.S. immigration law does not allow dependents in F-2 status to work in the U.S. under any circumstances. Study is also prohibited. Dependents in J-2 status may apply for work authorization under certain conditions, but such employment may not be depended upon for basic financial support. Dependents in J-2 status are allowed to study.

OIP will review your request and wi

The below letters can be found on your e-OIP portal.

To access your e-OIP portal

  1. Go to and click the “LOGIN” button.
  2. Sign in using your account information.
  3. Click Letter Request and select the letter you want to request.
  4. Complete the form entering information in all fields.
  5. When the letter has been issued, we will send an email to your account. Please allow processing time for up to a week. If you need it urgently, please email us at

Not sure where you’ll be living? Curious about the food on campus? Be sure to review the information on the housing page and the meal plan page to learn more about what’s waiting for you when you arrive at UMaine!

A major part of coming to UMaine and having all your documents in order has to do with immunization records and health insurance. You can find more information about both below. Please reach out with questions after you’ve review the information on the respective webpages.

If you wish to have dependents (spouse, children) accompany you to the United States, you must provide documentation of financial support for their estimated expenses ($5,000 per year for the first dependent and $1,500 per year for each additional dependent), name, relationship, date and place of birth and request appropriate immigration documents from the Office of International Programs or your program sponsor. This must be done prior to arrival if you wish dependents to accompany you during the first semester. All dependents in the U.S. must be covered by the University of Maine International Student Medical Insurance or other appropriate coverage.

U.S. immigration law does not allow dependents in F-2 status to work in the U.S. under any circumstances. Study is also prohibited. Dependents in J-2 status may apply for work authorization under certain conditions, but such employment may not be depended upon for basic financial support. Dependents in J-2 status are allowed to study.

OIP will review your request and will email you the I-20s or DS-2019s when they are ready.

The below letters can be found on your e-OIP portal.

To access your e-OIP portal

  1. Go to and click the “LOGIN” button.
  2. Sign in using your account information.
  3. Click Letter Request and select the letter you want to request.
  4. Complete the form entering information in all fields.
  5. When the letter has been issued, we will send an email to your account. Please allow processing time for up to a week. If you need it urgently, please email us at

Volunteer at OIP

We always appreciate volunteers to assist during times of large events such as fall and spring orientation, programming activities and other events. If you would like to be involved in assisting our office with programming and events, please contact the OIP office. You can email us at or call 207-581-3437.  If you just want to drop by and ask how you might volunteer, come by our office on the top floor of Stodder Hall, we would love to meet you.

OIP Trips

The Office of International Programs (OIP) and the International Student Association (ISA) will offer a variety of local excursions to help you explore the state of Maine during your studies.  Local trips using the community bus service are often free of charge and our trips that are farther afield are offered at a very reasonable rate.  Registration is required for most trips and we recommend that you register early as the trips tend to fill up quickly.  Non-student family members are welcome to join but we are unable to transport non-students in our University vans so alternate transportation would have to be arranged.  For larger trips, we typically rent a bus so family members can accompany you.  
Do you have any suggestions? A place you really want to visit or activity you really want to do?
Let us know by emailing

English Language support

The University of Maine’s Intensive English Institute provides quality English language instruction for students at all levels in a fun, safe, small group environment.  For more information on the application process and fees, please go to the Intensive English Institute’s web page.

The Writing Center provides free assistance with academic writing assignments and much more. The Writing Center is staffed with ESL specialists specifically trained to work with international students. They provide one-on-one tutoring and a variety of workshops throughout the year.

The Writing Center

The Office of International Programs has a partnership with Literacy Volunteers of Bangor to offer free English language learning services. Literacy Volunteers of Bangor matches trained English tutors with students who need language assistance. Tutoring happens once a week and will be focused around the learners goals.

Application for English Language Learners

English Language Learners Flyer

The University of Maine’s Conley Speech, Language and Hearing Center offers accent modification services for free to UMaine students.  Click here to learn more!


Degree/Enrollment Verification

The University of Maine has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its agent for verifications of student enrollment and degrees. Visit the National Student Clearinghouse website or contact them by phone at 703.742.4200. Note: Fees may apply when using the Clearinghouse services.

Enrollment and degree verifications are also provided by the University of Maine at no charge and may be requested over the phone at 207.581.1288, via email to, or faxed to 207.581.1314. Current and recently active students may also request an enrollment verification via MaineStreet.

Enrollment Verification

Enrollment verification letters will include: student’s full name, degree program, the enrollment status for the term(s) for which the verification is being requested (i.e. full time for Fall 2022), and the recipient’s full address or fax number.

Current and recently active students may request an enrollment verification letter using the MaineStreet Classic Student Center.

  1. Login to MaineStreet
  2. Select Student Self Service
  3. From your Student Homepage, select Classic Student Center
  4. Click the “other academic” drop down menu and select “Enrollment Verification”

If the enrollment verification does not require the signature of the Registrar, select the “Allow to Print from My Browser” option. To have a signed verification letter mailed, select the “Request Institution to Mail” option.

Verification of student enrollment is based on enrolled credits at the time the request is processed.

Degree Verification

Degree verification letters will include: student’s full name, degree awarded, the conferral date of the degree, the signature of the Registrar, and the seal of the University of Maine.

Degree verifications for new graduates are available after degrees are posted to transcripts, approximately eight weeks after the official date of graduation.

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