Personal Training Services

Just getting started?  Check out our options for becoming familiar with our equipment, and/or getting started with a Personal Trainer!

FREE Equipment Orientation: A personal trainer will show you around the facility, giving you detailed information on the use of any piece of equipment in the building. 30 minutes. Visit the front desk to schedule your orientation.

Fitness Assessment: The Fitness Assessment is a very important tool to benchmark one’s current fitness levels in order to develop accurate exercise recommendations, establish reasonable fitness goals, chart progress, and determine current health status. After gathering this information, results will be interpreted and provided in a professional report for you to keep. 60 minutes. A Fitness Assessment is required before participating in any Individual Personal Training or Buddy Training, and before changing Trainers. See “Changing Trainers” below for information. Click here to complete Initial Training Packet, which must be submitted before any Fitness Assessment can be scheduled. Visit the front desk to schedule your Fitness Assessment.  
Member: $24; Non-Member: $33.

Trainer is In!
Whenever you see the sign signaling the trainer is in, stop by the Fitness Suite (past the locker rooms on the left) to get a FREE body composition analysis or fitness consultation, or ask any
fitness related question! We are here for you and want to help you succeed on your fitness journey. Please note we do not give any specific diet advice or injury diagnosis/treatment.

Fitness Consultation: One of our Personal Trainers will give you advice on the most effective and efficient ways to attain your fitness goals. 

Body Composition Analysis: A body composition analysis, which is included in a Fitness Assessment, is a means of discovering the percentage of body fat an individual has. You are given your results and interpretation within minutes. This is measured by using bioelectrical impedance analysis.

Individual Personal Training

A personal trainer is involved in developing and applying effective physical activity programs to help individuals achieve their personal fitness goals. Modify your physique, improve your overall health, obtain your optimal health and fitness ambitions, and receive a fitness program on session completion. A Fitness Assessment is required before any Personal Training services may be rendered. The cost of Non-Members’ Day Passes are included in the Non-Member fees detailed below.

Individual PT:
60-Min Sessions
Member Non-Member
3 Session Package $85 $109
5 Session Package $125 $165
8 Session Package $185 $249
20 Session Package (best value) $415 $575


Individual PT:
30-Min Sessions
Member Non-Member
4 Session Package (2 hrs) $75 $100
10 Session Package (5 hrs) $160 $210
16 Session Package (8 hrs) $220 $290

Buddy Training

Sign up for sessions with a friend and enjoy personalized training at a lower price in a comfortable setting.

A Fitness Assessment is required before any Buddy Training services may be rendered. Rates below are per person and there is a two-person maximum. The cost of Non-Members’ Day Passes are included in the Non-Member fees detailed below.

Buddy PT:
60-Min Sessions
Member Non-Member
3 Session Package $69 $93
5 Session Package $96 $136
8 Session Package $140 $205
20 Session Package (best value) $300 $460


Buddy PT:
30-Min Sessions
Member Non-Member
4 Session Package (2 hrs) $60 $80
10 Session Package (5 hrs) $130 $170
16 Session Package (8 hrs) $155 $205

Personal Trainers

*Certified trainers &  available to work with physical therapy patients that have been referred from EMMC University Medicine Cutler Health Center at the University of Maine.

Interested in becoming a Certified Personal Trainer? Check out our ACE course here!

Personal Trainers

Ask A Trainer

Ask a Personal Trainer Your Basic Fitness Questions

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Personal Training Policies

A Fitness Assessment is required before any Personal Training services may be rendered.

PAS-Q & Medical Clearance:
A PAS-Q Form is required, and a Medical Clearance Form (a note from your physician) is required of all participants who check any of the items in Section 1 or in Section 2 of the PAS-Q.  Note: Personal training staff reserve the right to require medical clearance from any client they feel may be at risk.

Session Duration:
All personal training sessions are one hour.
All personal training packages expire 12 months from the date of purchase.

Come prepared to each training session in proper workout attire and footwear (shorts, gym pants, T-shirt, sweatshirt, supportive sneakers). Participants arriving unprepared for their training session may result in that session being removed from thier training session package.

Tardiness Policy:
Clients are responsible for arriving on time for their training sessions. Trainers are only obligated to wait for a late client until 15 minutes past the scheduled start time. Sessions that start late will still end at the originally-scheduled end time. The session will still be removed from your training session package. Exceptions will only be made in the case of a medical emergency accompanied by a doctor’s note.

Cancellation Policy: 

Clients are responsible for calling their trainer at least one hour in advance of the scheduled training session if they need to cancel or reschedule a session. Failure to contact your trainer at least one hour in advance or failure to show up for a session will result in that session being removed from your training session package.

Exceptions will only be made in the case of a medical emergency accompanied by a doctor’s note. 

Package Expiration/Refund Policy:
Individuals registering for personal training must complete all personal training sessions by the expiration date of the training package.  All personal training packages expire 12 months from the date of purchase. All packages are non-refundable but may be transferred to another person before the expiration date.  If transferred, services must be used before the expiration date. A client may only receive a refund if accompanied by a doctor’s note.

Changing Trainers

In the event the client wants to change trainers, or their original trainer no longer works for Campus Recreation, if it has been more than 3 months since their last training session then the client will need to purchase a Fitness Assessment with the new trainer. If it has been less than 3 months since the client’s last training session then the client will only need to complete a Returning Client Packet before training can begin (no fitness assessment required). Access the Returning Client Packet PDF here.