Student Organizations Resource Guide

Welcome to the Student Resource Guide, your comprehensive companion for navigating student organizations at The University of Maine. This guide is designed to provide you with vital information, practical tips, and valuable resources tailored to help you excel in creating a fully engaged student organization. Whether you’re looking for information about campus services, organization management, or opportunities get involved more on campus, this guide has you covered. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve your organizational goals, ensuring a rewarding and enriching student experience.

This interactive document will be updated in real time to keep the most updated information available for student organization members. If you have any questions, reach out to the Center for Student Involvement at

Welcome From Student Involvement Staff


Student organizations at the University of Maine provide opportunities for students to explore their passions and identities beyond the classroom. All students are encouraged to participate, and there is a space for every area of interest. Participation in student organizations aids the academic, professional, and personal development of our students and fosters a sense of connection and belonging.

The Student Organization Resource Guide was created to inform student organizations and advisors about the guidelines, policies, and procedures regarding student organization recognition, hosting events, travel, and general operations. In collaboration with several campus partners, the Center for Student Involvement adheres to best practices concerning safety and security, institutional and organizational reputation, and values that align with our organizational mission.

It is the hope of the Center for Student Involvement that all student organizations feel a sense of responsibility to influence, lead, and challenge their fellow organization members to create positive change that aligns with the University of Maine’s mission. As students and advisors work diligently to help navigate their organization toward excellence, the Center for Student Involvement is available as a resource.

The guide offers comprehensive support, including resources for leadership development, event planning, risk management, and financial management. By providing these tools and resources, we aim to empower student organizations to operate efficiently and effectively. Whether you are starting a new organization or sustaining an existing one, the Center for Student Involvement is dedicated to ensuring you have the support needed to succeed and make a meaningful impact within the university community. We encourage all student organizations to utilize this guide fully and reach out for any additional assistance or guidance.

James Psalidas, Director of Student Involvement

Colleen Frazier, Assistant Director for Student Involvement

General Information


The mission of the University of Maine’s Center for Student Involvement is to provide engaging programming on campus to support and develop students. This sense of community is built through diverse campus activities, fraternity and sorority relationships, leadership development and participation in student organizations. Our goal is to engage students in their co-curricular activities and help them define their experiences as a student at the University of Maine.

With Recognition comes Responsibility!

We expect you to use this Resource Guide as a tool in the development and management of your student organization. This guide outlines many policies and procedures that you as student leaders are expected to abide by. Failure to do so could result in loss of privileges or changes to your organization’s status. As the year progresses, you will certainly encounter issues and questions not completely addressed in these pages; when that happens, please come visit us! Our doors are always open, and we are eager to help you achieve every success in your activities. For a full list of our office staff and their contact information, please visit the appendix of this Resource Guide. 

Classifications of Recognized Student Organizations

Student Life Recognized Student Organizations

A student organization who has at least five undergraduate members and is affiliated with the University of Maine’s Division of Student Life. This type of organization has access to privileges such as utilizing campus facilities, Center for Student Involvement services, such as assistance with advertising, event planning and equipment needs, and participation in student organization fairs and programming.

University of Maine Student Government, Inc. Recognized Student Organizations

A student organization who has at least ten undergraduate student members and already has the Student Life recognition status. In addition to all affiliated status privileges, a recognized student organization is also affiliated with the University of Maine Student Government, Inc. (UMSG) and has the ability to apply for funding and utilize all UMSG, Inc. resources as well.

Student Organization Categories

Student organizations are classified by type. The following are the categories used by both the Division of Student Life and UMSG, Inc.

  • Academic/Professional
  • Civic/Political
  • Fine Arts
  • Greek Life
  • Honorary
  • Multicultural
  • Recreational
  • Religious
  • Service/Philanthropic
  • Sports Clubs
  • Special Interest
  • Student Governance
  • Community Association/Representative Board

Benefits of Being a Student Life Recognized Organization

Student Life Recognized Student Organizations

A student organization who has at least five undergraduate members and is affiliated with the University of Maine’s Division of Student Life. This type of organization has access to privileges such as utilizing campus facilities, Center for Student Involvement services, such as assistance with advertising, event planning and equipment needs, and participation in student organization fairs and programming.

University of Maine Student Government, Inc. Recognized Student Organizations

A student organization who has at least ten undergraduate student members and already has the Student Life recognition status. In addition to all affiliated status privileges, a recognized student organization is also affiliated with the University of Maine Student Government, Inc. (UMSG) and has the ability to apply for funding and utilize all UMSG, Inc. resources as well.

Recognized student organizations receive designated benefits from the University of Maine, are responsible for meeting the requirements put forth by the Center for Student Involvement, and are accountable to the University of Maine for responsible use of those benefits.

Each fall semester, Student Life Recognized student organizations are required to register with Student Life in order to continue to be recognized by the University and continue to receive the privileges afforded to them by virtue of their recognition. This registration process differs from the recognition process, which is the procedure to become an officially recognized student organization at the University of Maine. For more information about registration, please visit Campus Groups. Additional questions can be directed to the Center for Student Involvement Team.

Student Life Recognized Student Organizations in good standing are eligible for the following benefits:

  • Event Advising and Planning
    • Access and permission to reserve on-campus rooms, outdoor spaces, and other facilities for events and activities (including organizational meetings) through the Event Management Process
    • Ability to advertise events through the Black Bear Bulletin, a weekly email newsletter; the News Flush (pending availability of space), and promotion on Center for Student Involvement social media 
    • Advising support from the Center for Student Involvement team for assistance with planning on and off-campus events
  • On-Campus Recruitment
    • Ability to participate in the annual fall Student Involvement Fair
    • Ability to participate in a spring recruitment opportunity
    • Ability to participate in any virtual involvement fair opportunities
  • Services and Support Access
    • Access to CampusGroups, the online student organization platform
    • Access to Center for Student Involvement advising services
  • Use of the University of Maine Name
    • Permission to use the University of Maine name and trademarks, in accordance with University guidelines

Recognized Student Organization Community and Leadership Responsibilities

All Recognized Student Organizations (RSO’s) function as an entity independent of the University. As a Recognized Student Organization Leader, you will be expected to take full responsibility and ownership for decisions made by your organization. 

Student Organization Officer Responsibilities

All officers of RSO’s must meet the following community responsibilities:

  1. Membership to your organization is open to all students in good standing currently enrolled at the University of Maine, regardless of race, religion and creed, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical disability. 
  2. That your organization is in compliance with all University policies included in this resource guide and in the University of Maine Student Handbook. 

All officer’s of RSO’s must complete the following to remain in good standing with the University:

  1. Register once annually with the Center for Student Involvement team by completing the following requirements:
    1. Update organizational leadership using the “Officer” feature in your portal on CampusGroups.
    2. Complete the Update Form on CampusGroups, which includes non-hazing compliance and advisor information. 
    3. Have one or more executive leaders attend one of the training sessions at the beginning of each semester.
    4. Transition leadership positions responsibility by ensuring new officers are aware of their assigned obligations, outlined in this resource guide and in your individual organizational documents.
    5. Keep an updated roster and organizational leaders on Campus Groups, updating changes immediately.
  2. Maintain your own finances and keep your financial records in order to uphold fiscal responsibility.
  3. Maintain a relationship with your organization advisor. 

Maintaining Your Recognition Status

To stay recognized by the Division of Student Life at the University of Maine, student organizations are required to submit an update form once per year, and keep their CampusGroups organization profile up to date by changing out officers directly following elections. Student organization officers are sent several email reminders leading up to the deadline, as well as CampusGroups notifications. Organizations that fail to maintain their recognition status will be notified and asked to register as a new organization. 

University of Maine Student Government, Inc. (UMSG, Inc.) Recognized Student Organizations

Once student organizations have been recognized by the Division of Student Life, student organizations are eligible to pursue recognition by the undergraduate student government. Student government provides assistance and resources to all recognized organizations, and encourages the active participation and involvement of undergraduate students. Student organizations are overseen by the Vice President of Student Organizations. 

UMSG, Inc. Recognition Process

To become recognized by UMSG, Inc., a student organization must be recognized by the Division of Student Life, maintain a minimum of ten members, and have an advisor who is a member of the University of Maine faculty/staff. 

Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council recognized organizations do not need to apply for individual recognition with UMSG, Inc., and are instead covered by these representative boards. 

How to Apply for UMSG, Inc. Recognition

New student organizations can submit the Preliminary Recognition Form through Campus Groups and select recognition from both Student Life and UMSG, Inc. providing they have the minimum requirements for both types of recognition. 

Preliminary Recognition

Once all necessary materials have been submitted to the Vice President of Student Organizations (VPSO), the VPSO will reach out to schedule an initial interview with the Student Organization Committee (SOC). After the interview, the SOC will vote whether or not the organization meets the standard of UMSG, Inc. Recognition. If affirmative, the student organization will be invited to the General Student Senate (GSS) to present. Student organizations must have a minimum of five members for preliminary recognition. 

If preliminary recognition is granted by the GSS, the student organization will enter preliminary status for seven academic weeks before eligible to apply for Final Recognition.

Final Recognition

For Final Recognition, student organizations will submit the Final Recognition application, and make any updates to previously submitted forms if needed. The VPSO will schedule the Final Recognition interview with SOC. From here, SOC votes if the organization should receive Final Recognition. If they vote yes, the organization will return to the GSS for a final vote on their recognition status.

Benefits of UMSG, Inc. Recognition

Student organizations that are recognized by the University of Maine Student Government, Inc. are eligible for the following benefits:

  • Ability to apply for and receive funding for events
  • Ability to utilize their hired legal counsel
  • Other benefits as denoted by UMSG, Inc. 

Campus Groups Software

Campus Groups is our involvement software here at the University of Maine. For student organizations, it is where you are required to keep your officers and members up to date, and register your events and meetings.

How To’s for Campus Groups

How to Fill Out the Update Form for Student Organizations on Campus Groups (if Live)

How to Register a New Student Organization

How To Create an Event

How to Update Member/Officer List

How to Update Group Landing Page

Meetings and Events

Student organizations are required to register all meetings and events. This is done to ensure proper spaces are reserved for the meetings and that groups do not overlap if they require the same space for an event. 


Meetings are only required to be registered once at the beginning of each semester if they are recurring. If they are sporadic throughout the semester, the event registration form should be submitted each time you are planning to hold a meeting. 


For anything outside of your traditional meeting, such as a time change, guest speaker, etc, the event registration form should be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the date you are holding your event. This allows for you and your event manager to connect you to all resources you need across campus and allow space to be booked that fits the need of your event. As always, the sooner you submit your form, the more likely you are to receive the space and resources you prefer.  The Center for Student Involvement wants to support your organization with all of your ideas, but some events take more time to plan. 

How to Register your Meeting or Event

The Center for Student Involvement is here to assist you with planning successful, safe events on and off campus through the event registration process. This process ensures that your organization is connected to all of the services and departments needed to execute your event, such as:

  • Dining Services
  • Facilities Management
  • Auxiliary Services
  • Orono Fire Department 

All meetings and events put on by student organizations require event registration, but do not always require event management meetings. You will be notified of approval of your event through CampusGroups if a meeting is not required. Regular meetings must be submitted once at the beginning of each semester. 

What happens after you submit your form?

The Center for Student Involvement will review your request, and find a space that fits your needs on campus. You can ask for specific locations, and we will do our best to fulfill that. We will book the space for you and notify you of the location via Campus Groups. If the event management team has approved your event without a meeting to discuss, you will be notified via Campus Groups. 

Responsible Social Events with Alcohol

Any student group hosting an event with alcohol is subject to more stringent risk management to ensure the event runs smoothly and that the organization has all the necessary precautions in place (liquor license, risk management plan, etc.).  All events involving alcohol require an in person meeting with an executive of the host student group to expedite the process. 

If a group is hosting an event with alcohol on campus they must utilize Sodexo and reserve the bar through catering services.  If the event is off campus, the venue must be approved to serve alcohol and maintain an up-to-date liquor license through the state of Maine. 


Tabling is available in/outside the Memorial Union. Tabling generally books quickly; it is first come, first served. Tabling is available Monday-Friday during the hours the Memorial Union is open. Goods may be sold at your table pending current COVID-19 restrictions. Tabling forms must be filled out a minimum of 48 hours prior to when you want to table. If it is less than 48 hours, it will not be filled. 

What happens after you submit your form?

A member of the Center for Student Involvement staff will book you tabling and notify you of your location via Campus Groups. If tabling is not available the day you requested it for, you will be notified that a location is not available via Campus Groups.

Reserving and Using Campus Spaces

Responsible Use of Campus Spaces

Student Organizations can reserve spaces for student organization use only. Non-University of Maine organizations and individuals may not hold events on campus by using a student organization as a vehicle to stage an event on campus property or to reserve a campus room for a function (i.e. running a workshop about the organization or product, or hosting an event exclusively for recruitment). Failure to follow this guideline can result in loss of room reservation privileges for you and your organization.

Below are important conditions for using campus spaces with which all student officers should be in compliance:

  • No furniture should be removed from your room. 
  • If using a classroom space with a whiteboard/chalkboard, the board should be erased before the end of your booked time. 
  • Food is not permitted in classroom spaces.
  • Throw away your trash and take all of your belongings with you at the end of use.
  • Make sure any equipment/items that belong to the room/building are returned after use.
  • Classrooms are only for meetings. For anything with music or loud noise, please request the use of space in the Memorial Union.

If found not in compliance with the conditions stated above, the Center for Student Involvement Team will issue a warning. Student organizations with repeated room usage issues will have their room reservation privileges suspended or revoked.

On Campus Event Venue Options

All locations on campus can only be booked through the event registration process. Below is a list of locations that have been used in the past. Some are public locations, and can not be closed specifically for your events, denoted by an asterisk. 

  • Buchanan Alumni Association
  • Collins Center for the Arts
  • Cyrus Pavillion Theater
  • Hauck Auditorium
  • Memorial Union
  • New Balance Recreation Center*
  • Wells Conference Center
  • Wilson Center
  • Woolley Room (Located in DTAV/Patch Community Center)
  • Outdoor Spaces
    • Belgrade Lot
    • Hilltop Quad*
    • Lengyl Recreation Fields
    • Littlefield Garden*
    • Morse Field
    • Riverside Recreation Area*
    • Somerset Lot
    • Stewart Quad*
    • University Mall*

How to Reserve On-Campus Spaces

Recognized student organizations have the ability to reserve spaces on campus. This is done through the event management form on Campus Groups.


Distributing Printed Materials

Posting of flyers and signs is limited to recognized campus organizations. 

Flier requirements

  • Must have the name of the sponsoring organization as well as contact information for a member of the organization
  • Fliers must be posted on non-academic bulletin boards, such as:
    • Memorial Union
    • Fogler Library
    • Dining halls
    • Some academic buildings
  • Maximum size of 8-½ x 11 inches
  • Fliers are to be removed after the event. 
  • Fliers should not be taped to bulletin boards

Printing Services

Student Organizations are able to utilize campus printing services, though these services come with a cost that the student organization is responsible for. 

Campus Groups Calendar

Log in to Campus Groups and add an event to your organization’s portal under Events. To be featured on the homepage of Campus Groups, ensure that the box is checked for “Show on Events Slider”. Once submitted, they will show as pending in your group until they are approved by the Event Management Team and will be made public for people to see and register for. 


Student organizations can utilize their own instagram accounts to promote events. If you would like the Center for Student Involvement to help promote your approved event, the best way for us to repost our story is by tagging us (@um.getinvolved) on the post you would like us to share. We will only repost promotional materials for events that have been approved through the Event Management Process on Campus Groups.

University of Maine Name & Trademark

All student organizations are held to the University brand standards when using the University of Maine name, logo, and/or trademark.  All current brand standards can be found on the Brand Elements website. 

Email Addresses 

The University of Maine does not provide email addresses to student organizations using Student organizations are welcome to create specific email addresses for their organization on other mailing platforms. 

Accessibility Guidelines

The University is committed to providing a welcoming, accessible environment for individuals with disabilities and in compliance with state and federal regulations. Your student organization should plan events and activities with accessibility in mind. For more information on this or for general guidance on accessibility, contact the Student Involvement Team at

The fundamental goal is to facilitate the participation of people with disabilities in a timely and effective manner. While the answer to every question and situation may not be simple, the key is to remain respectful, responsive, and flexible. Choosing a physically accessible location Whenever possible, you should hold your event in a wheelchair accessible building. Locating your event in a wheelchair accessible building will facilitate the participation of wheelchair users and people with other mobility impairments as well. If you cannot hold your event in one of the accessible buildings, you should try to locate your event in a space in which physical barriers are kept to a minimum. 

In general, you must ensure that people with disabilities are able to attend and participate in your

event with the same access as people without disabilities. There is no one method of accommodating individuals with disabilities, and the accommodation process is individualized. The Student Accessibility Services is a resource to assist in identifying reasonable accommodations for student participants. Student Accessibility Services works with faculty, staff, and community members with disabilities. Oftentimes, accommodation implementation does not require significant financial resources. However, timeliness in identifying needs and advance planning will be required. Please plan events with access in mind.

You are encouraged to communicate as much as possible with participants and event presenters prior to the event. Disability is not always observable or readily apparent, and all participants should be given the opportunity to self-disclose their access needs in advance of an event. When questions concerning accommodation and particular requests come up, you will want to respond as soon as possible.
When creating and distributing advertising materials, they must comply with the standards set by the Division of Marketing and Communications.  Those standards can be found here:

Organization Merchandise and Giveaways


Student Organizations are able to purchase merchandise for their members.  All merchandise is to comply with brand standards through Marketing and Communications.  There is a free digital “Brand Toolkit” available on the UMaine website that students should utilize when creating their own merchandise.

Note that some sponsors might require their logo to be on organization merchandise. Take this into account when designing your items.


Student Organizations are able to give away items at their events and meetings.  They should be aware of the perception of their organization with the items they give away and are to comply with all standards of the University with their items.  Any questions and concerns should be directed to The Center for Student Involvement staff prior to the event or meeting. 

Student Life Recognized Student Organization Advisor Roles and Responsibilities

All student organizations are required to have a faculty or staff advisor who is employed by the University of Maine. 

Expectations of advisors include, but not are limited to, the following:

  • Meet at least once per semester with the executive board or officer group and keep them updated on institutional matters/issues;
  • Attend full organization meetings periodically but not less than once per semester;
  • Advise delegations regarding trips to conferences, business meetings, inform organizations about the Student Travel Policy, and respond to concerns from members about officer elections, transition, and the group’s development;
  • Provide continuity, perspective, background, and institutional insight as appropriate;
  • Inform organization of UMaine policies, guidelines, liability issues, rules, regulations, and procedures to ensure the organization’s success;
  • Hold at least one goal-setting or assessment meeting annually for the executive board, officer group, or entire membership;
  • Monitor and advise the group regarding risk management decisions and practices, issues regarding the Student Conduct Code and University of Maine policies, procedures and practice; and
  • Report crime(s) of which they become aware of to UMPD and Student Life. 

An informational session for advisors will be facilitated by the Center for Student Involvement at the start of each semester. This session will provide helpful information for the upcoming year and give advisors an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas with other organization advisors.

Policies and Expectations of Student Organizations


The University of Maine has policies in place to help standardize procedures and protect students throughout their time at UMaine.  We expect that all members of a recognized student organization know and adhere to the University of Maine Student Conduct Code. Any student group found in violation of any University policy or procedure will be referred to the Student Conduct Process for adjudication.

Membership Policy

Members are the backbone of an organization. As such, they should be treated with respect and membership practices within your organization should be grounded in prioritizing the care and consideration of ALL members. Membership practices such as organization commitment requirements (i.e., number of events members must attend), expectation of members, etc. should all be clearly presented in your organization’s Constitution, available to members before they join, and accessible to them throughout their time with the organization.

  1. Your membership practices must be transparent to your members and provide members with room to be heard.
  2. Membership removal should only occur when officers/members are not meeting an objective set of requirements for membership. We strongly discourage removing members without first attempting an educational solution. We strongly encourage organizations to include the member removal process in their bylaws to legitimize the process.
    1. If you are contemplating removal, your advisor is a valuable resource to you and can assist the organization in considering alternatives to removal. You may also reach out to staff in the Center for Student Involvement at to discuss navigating member conflicts.
  3. At all times, you must comply with University of Maine policies. For issues related to sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct specifically, student organizations should not create parallel processes or exclude members. Student organizations must reach out to Title IX Student Services and consult prior to taking any steps in limiting a student’s participation in the group with respect to sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct.
  4. At all times, you must comply with University of Maine policies. For issues related to hazing or other misconduct relating to the Student Code of Conduct, student organizations should not create parallel processes or exclude members. Student organizations must reach out to the Office of Community Standards, Rights, and Responsibilities and consult prior to taking any steps in limiting a student’s participation in the group with respect to hazing or other misconduct.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Student organizations play a vital role in the development of a student, and the University of Maine recognizes the importance of organizations for building inclusive communities. Student organizations are expected to uphold non-discrimination practices in their activities, recruitment, and organization operation.

  1. The University of Maine System does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information, or veterans status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. This principle applies to all organization practices.
  2. If you have any questions about the non-discrimination policies at the University of Maine, please contact the Director of Equal Opportunity at

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Alcohol is only allowed at events that have been approved through the event registration process.  All non-approved events involving alcohol will be referred to the University Student Conduct process.

University policy recognizes that substance abuse is a complex problem that is not easily resolved solely by personal effort and may require professional assistance and/or treatment. Accordingly, each campus and University Services have designated an individual to assist employees and students who seek referral for assistance with a substance-abuse problem. Students, faculty, and staff members with substance-abuse problems are encouraged to take advantage of available diagnostic, referral, counseling, and prevention services. However, employees and students availing themselves of these services will not be granted special privileges and exemptions from standard personnel practices applicable to job performance requirements and from standard academic and student conduct requirements. The University will not excuse acts of misconduct committed by employees and students whose judgment is impaired due to substance abuse. 

Alcoholic Beverages 

The sale, possession, and use of alcohol on campuses of the University of Maine System must comply with the laws of the state of Maine and with local campus regulations and procedures. The acquisition, possession, transportation, and consumption of alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age is prohibited by University policy. Alcohol may be possessed or consumed on University property only by persons 21 years of age or older in their rooms or in appropriately licensed and/or approved campus facilities. Persons are expected to assume responsibility for their own behavior while drinking and must understand that being under the influence of alcohol in no way lessens their accountability to the University community. 

Illegal Drugs 

The possession, use, manufacture, dispensing or distribution of illegal drugs (heroin, cocaine, cannabis, LSD, steroids, etc.) is prohibited at any time on University property and as part of any University activities. “Illegal drugs” does not mean the use of drugs under a valid prescription. Employees and students known to use, possess, manufacture, dispense, or distribute illegal drugs are liable to public law-enforcement actions and University disciplinary actions. Employees and students who use prescribed medications are responsible for their secure storage and disposal. 


Employees and students who violate the University’s policy will be subject to disciplinary action by the University. The severity of the imposed sanctions will be appropriate to the violation; possible sanctions include suspension, probation, dismissal, restitution, official censure or reprimand, referral for prosecution, participation in a rehabilitation program, and other actions the University deems appropriate.

Hazing Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide the University of Maine (UMaine) with an explicit policy prohibiting hazing, to establish clear procedures and reporting guidelines, to clearly define hazing, and to protect the rights of students involved with groups and organizations at UMaine. The University of Maine Hazing Policy can be found in it’s entirety by clicking here.

Title IX Policy

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance.

The University of Maine System Title IX Policy can be found by clicking here. To talk with staff, report an incident, or view more information visit the UMaine Title IX website here.

Accessibility and Accommodations Policy

All University programs and services must be accessible to and usable by qualified individuals with disabilities, as provided under University policy and Federal and State law. All areas of the University shall be designed and operated in a manner that enables students, employees, applicants, and members of the general public who have a disability to participate or benefit on an equal basis. The University’s policy includes, but is not limited to, access to:

  • academic programs, including traditional and distance education programs;
  • employment, cultural, recreational, and residential programs;
  • information and communication systems, including hardware and software, equipment, and facilities.

If a student requests a reasonable accommodation of a student organization they must comply given the University policies.  For assistance with a reasonable accommodation, a student organization or the student requesting the accommodation should contact The Center for Student Involvement. 

Policy for the Safety and Protection of Minors

The University of Maine is committed to providing a safe environment for everyone on its campuses and in its programs. This includes minors who participate in programs and activities both on and off campus.  Members of the UMaine community who interact with minors in any official capacity are expected to foster and maintain an appropriate and secure environment for minors.

If a student organization is expecting minors at a meeting or event (mentoring programs, collaboration with local school districts, etc.) this should be noted on the Event Management Form. Any event with minors present requires an in person meeting to ensure proper precautions are taken to protect both the student organization and the minors present at the event or meeting. 

Free Speech and Expression at UMaine

The University of Maine is committed to free and open inquiry and expression in all matters. It guarantees all members of the university community the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge and learn. With the exception of certain limitations (time, place, manner) on that freedom which are necessary to the functioning of the university, the University of Maine fully respects and supports the freedom of all members of the university community to discuss, debate, write, assemble and/or demonstrate regarding any issue or problem.

The ideas of members of the university community will frequently and naturally conflict, but it is not the appropriate role of the University to shield individuals from opinions and ideas that could be unwelcomed, disagreeable, or even acutely or deeply offensive. Although civility and mutual respect are greatly valued and all community members should take responsibility for maintaining a climate of mutual  respect, concerns about civility and mutual respect can never be used as a justification for closing off the discussion of thoughts and ideas no matter how offensive or disagreeable those ideas and thoughts might be to some members of the community. It is for individual members of the university community, not for the university as an institution, to respond to such ideas for themselves, and to take action not by seeking to suppress speech, but to openly and vigorously contest the ideas they oppose with more speech.

For more information visit the University of Maine System Free Speech Policy by click here or the Office of Community Standards, Rights, and Responsibilities webpage for free speech here.

Food Policy

Homemade food may be served at events and activities, and sold through bake sales, though the Student Organization takes on the liability in doing so. 

It is recommended that student organizations only serve food that is prepackaged or obtained through Dining Services for their individual event. If food is not individually packaged, one member of the organization putting on the bake sale should be gloved and responsible for handing food to the buyer as it is purchased.

For the safety of all who may consume the food, allergens should be avoided or clearly labeled. 

Food Trucks

All food truck reservations should be run through the Center for Student Involvement and the event management process. Student Involvement will coordinate with Parking Services and Sodexo to ensure space is available.  It is the responsibility of the student group to identify and coordinate directly with the food truck(s) they would like to bring to campus. 

Solicitation Policy

Student organizations are permitted to sell goods on campus, but it is the responsibility of the student organization to receive permission through the tabling request form or the event registration process. Food sales are restricted to current COVID-19 protocols, and permission can be retracted at any time.

Filming, Photography, and Recording Policy

All Student Organizations who are filming, taking photos, or otherwise recording an event or meeting must comply with University guidelines. The Division of Marketing and Communications has the University policies listed on their website  and student organizations are expected to familiarize themselves with these policies prior to filming or taking photos at an event or meeting. 

Marketing and Communications is able, pending availability, to have University staff on hand for filming and photography. All requests should be directed to Visual Media and their “Contact Us” website

Screening Commercial Films, Documentaries, and Other Copyrighted Material Policy

Student organizations are expected to be in compliance with copyright laws that govern commercial films and documentaries. Copyrighted material that will be screened must be secured by renting the film from a distributor, utilizing a copy of the film with the public performance rights, or obtaining in writing the public performance rights from the copyright holder. 

The Center for Student Involvement has worked with SWANK Motion Pictures in the past, but there are many reputable companies to work with to purchase the rights to play commercial films.

Student Organization Disciplinary Process

Student Organizations who are alleged to have violated any University policy or procedure will be referred to the University of Maine Student Conduct Process.  For an organization, the process may follow the same general guideline as the general student conduct process (though exceptions may be made depending on the circumstances of the alleged violation(s)).

Any instance of alleged hazing or other misconduct requiring a full investigation will be referred to the UMaine Student Conduct Process and the organization under scrutiny will receive direct communication with an assigned investigator or other appropriate staff. 

For more information please refer to the Student Conduct Process on the Office of Community Standards, Rights, and Responsibilities website. 

Travel Policy

The University of Maine is the principal research and graduate institution of the State of Maine. It offers a comprehensive program of graduate and undergraduate study that is enriched by the resources of its university setting. The University recognizes that in order to engage in a full collegiate experience, students can and do benefit from opportunities that exist beyond the campus. The institution believes that conferences, matches, games, institutes, competitions, and certain social and cultural activities add to the student experience at The University of Maine and to their engagement in the richness of the culture of the State of Maine. It is in support of these beliefs that this policy was conceived. Travel is defined as leaving the University of Maine campus, outside of the general Bangor area.

For the full, comprehensive student travel policy, reference the University of Maine Student Handbook to ensure compliance with the most updated travel policies.


Student Involvement Fair

The Center for Student Involvement puts on the Student Involvement Fair the first Wednesday of the Fall Semester. This event is open to all Student Life recognized organizations, but does require registration. Power sources are limited for this event. Several university offices will be available to share their resources and opportunities for involvement. 

Student organizations may sign up to participate in the Student Involvement Fair on Campus Groups. 

Student Organization Training Opportunities

Below are the standard trainings offered through Student Life.  More specific training can be available upon request and requires students to meet with staff from the Center for Student Involvement to plan and coordinate the training. 

Student Organizations Officer Sessions

The Center for Student Involvement puts on training and informational sessions for all student leaders in student organizations. A member of your leadership team is required to attend one of the main sessions, but it is encouraged that multiple officers attend. 

Bystander Intervention

Bystander intervention is a program hosted through The Student Wellness Resource Center to raise awareness of helping others, increase motivation for helping peers in need, learning and developing helping behaviors, and finding confidence in responding to harmful behaviors or situations.  Students looking out for each other adds to the culture of safety and well-being for self and others within the Black Bear community. 

Bystander intervention presentations are given in conjunction with alcohol education and Title IX education to all athletes, first year orientation courses, and by request. For more information about Bystander Intervention, visit the Title IX Student Services Page or the Student Wellness Resource Center.

Hazing Prevention

Hazing prevention training is given based on request to student organizations, but yearly to all registered Fraternities, Sororities, and Athletic teams.  To participate in, or schedule, a hazing prevention training please reach out to The Center for Student Involvement staff.

Center for Student Involvement Rentals

With an approved event management form, student organizations are eligible to reserve rentals, pending availability, for their events. Rentals that are free to student organizations are as follows:

  • Popcorn machine
  • Snowcone Machine
  • Speaker with microphone
  • Coolers
  • Chiminea
  • Tables

Financial Management

Student organizations at the University of Maine raise and manage their own funds. It is the responsibility of the student organization to spend these funds as the organization sees fit within the confines of the University, State, and Federal law. 

Obtaining an Employee Identification Number (EIN) for your Student Organization

Many banks and outside vendors require student organizations to have an EIN for their organization. Below is information you need to know about an EIN, and how to obtain an EIN for your organization.

What is a Federal Tax ID Number/EIN #?

The Federal Tax ID number (also known as the Employer Identification Number of EIN) is a number used to identify a business or other organization.

Why do I need a Federal Tax ID Number?

If your organization is going to do a fundraiser with an outside business like a restaurant, you need a tax ID number to receive money or in-kind donations. Additionally, obtaining an EIN helps to ensure the IRS will not make any of an organization’s members personally responsible for taxes on revenue that the organization has earned.

Can we just use the University of Maine’s EIN?

Affiliation with the University does not imply tax-exempt status and student organizations are not allowed to use the UMaine EIN number or non-profit status. Student organizations are independent entities responsible for their own finances and establishing and maintaining their tax status with the IRS.

Is the Federal Tax ID Number the same as being a non-profit organization?

No. Student organizations are not Federally Tax-Exempt Non-profit Organizations. Only the federal government can confer charitable status on an organization. Filing for charitable status (501(c)(3) status) is a lengthy legal procedure that commits the organization to the rigorous annual reporting procedures required by the IRS. Because of the annual reporting requirements and the frequent turnover of student leadership, individual student organizations should not file for charitable status.

How do I get a Federal Tax ID Number?

The easiest way to apply is online through the IRS website. You will be walked through the application and receive your number immediately. You can also apply by mail or over the phone. For assistance filling out the form, you should contact the IRS directly, 1-800-829-4933.

To apply online:

  1.  Go to the IRS’ Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online Web site:
  2. Click on INTERNET EIN under the Apply Online paragraph. 
  3. Once you have read the instructions on the page, click the Apply Online Now button.
  4. Select the View Additional Types, Including Tax-Exempt and Governmental Organizations option for the “What type of legal structure is applying for an EIN?” question and then click Continue.
  5. Any of the following options may describe your type of organization: 1) Political Organization; 2) Church-Controlled Organization; 3) Community or Volunteer Group; 4) Social or Savings Club; or 5) Sports Teams (community). Once your selection is made, click on Continue.
  6. To confirm your selection click Continue.
  7. Enter your first name, last name, and SSN/ITIN. While the online SS-4 form requires the individual to enter a Social Security Number (SSN), it is still the EIN that is used to identify the organization, not any individual’s SSN.
  8. Select whether you are an officer or member of the organization or whether you are applying for the EIN as a third party on behalf of the organization and then click Continue.
  9. Enter the address information for your organization, which should be the University Address and click Continue when you are done.
    1. Organization Name

5748 Memorial Union, Room 151 Orono, Maine 04469  

  1. Enter the requested information about your organization and click Continue when you are done. Repeat this step for the next screen requesting additional organizational information.
  2. Select the Other option for the question “What does your business or organization do?” and click Continue.
  3. Select the Organization option for the question regarding your business activity and click Continue.
  4. From the list of organizational activities select what best describes the organization’s function, click Continue.
  5. Select that you would like to receive your EIN confirmation letter online and click Continue.

Bank Accounts

Student organizations are welcome to have a bank account dedicated to their organization at any bank they choose. There are several banks in the Orono area that are accustomed to working with student organizations. 

Account Set Up

It is highly recommended that student organizations have multiple signers on accounts. Typically, a student organization will have at a minimum the President, Treasurer and Advisor on the account. Having the advisor on the account allows at least one consistent signer for easier transfer of other names over time. 

University Credit Union Specific Information

Many student organizations utilize the University Credit Union, as a branch is located in the Memorial Union. 


Opportunities for fundraising are sometimes sent to Student Involvement Staff, which are then shared out via the officer email list. Remember to keep your officers up to date any time you have an election or change of officers!

Student organizations are encouraged to host fundraisers regularly. Listed below are a few fundraisers many student organizations have had success with:

Bake Sales: Student organizations can request tabling in the Memorial Union in order to put on Bake Sales. Please see Bake Sale guidelines in the Food Policy section. 

Restaurant Fundraisers: Ensure you have your EIN ready to go! Student organizations can reach out to area restaurants to set up a night where a percentage of profits are donated to the organization. 

Sport-based Tournaments: Student organizations can host sport based tournaments as fundraisers, but most work with the Center for Student Involvement and the Recreation Center staff for space reservations. 


Student organizations can work with Student Involvement and UMSG, Inc. to apply and secure additional storage for their organization. Reach out to with questions.


All student government recognized student organizations are assigned a mailbox in the Wade Center in the Memorial Union. An organizational mailbox ensures consistent delivery of mail and packages, since it does not change from year-to-year as individual officer’s addresses would. It also allows preferred vendors that organizations may work with regularly to more easily maintain accurate contact information.

The format for a mailing address for an organization with a Wade Center mailbox is:

Organization Name
5748 Memorial Union, Room 151
Orono, Maine 04469

University of Maine Police Department and Security

The University of Maine Police Department is a full-service police department staffed by state-certified police officers and support personnel 24hrs a day, 365 days a year. The training and professional standards met by UMaine’s officers are the same as those required in any municipality across the state.  UMPD can be contacted via email ( or via phone at 207.581.4040.

UMPD must be notified for any event requiring road closures or the potential for significant disruption to University activities, such as controversial speakers, political candidates, and other event topics that are polarizing to the general population. 

Students are also highly encouraged to download the Black Bear Safe App. More information and the download link can be found on the Black Bear Safe webpage.

Additional Information

Center for Student Involvement Team Directory

James PsalidasDirector for Student
Colleen FrazierAssistant Director for Student
VacantCoordinator for Student Involvement
Tristin Hubisz GA for Campus Activities
Camden OlsonGA for Leadership and Student
Evan BuschCoordinator for Fraternity and Sorority
Sarah BallGA for Fraternity and Sorority
Elle PrescottGA for Fraternity and Sorority

Location: Memorial Union 149

Phone: (207) 581-8325



Instagram: @um.getinvolved

Facebook: @um.getinvolved

University of Maine Student Government, Inc. (UMSG, Inc.)

Below are the standard trainings offered through Student Life.  More specific training can be available upon request and requires students to meet with staff from the Center for Student Involvement to plan and coordinate the training. 

Student Organizations Officer Sessions

The University of Maine Student Government is proud to serve as the voice of students at the University of Maine. We aim to provide social, cultural, and educational programs to all by way of student leadership, and to inform students on issues of their concern. The University of Maine Student Government represents the General Student Body to the State Government, the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, the Administration, and any other relevant bodies by giving input relating to student opinion. We encourage student participation in all facets of our organization, in order to abide by our State Motto: “I Lead”. We provide organizations with funding for club events and other necessities, as well as provide additional support to students. For any questions about student organizations, please reach out to our Vice President of Student Organizations at For any questions about club funding or our financial policies, please reach out to our Vice President of Financial Affairs at 

Memphis PetersonVice
Oliver BoisVice President of Financial
Neil RockeyVice President of Student
Dillon LeemanVice President of Student
Elizabeth OldfieldVice President of Student
Abbigail DownerDirector of
Riley MillsDirector of
Zoe StankevitzFair Elections Practices
Olivia BrittonBoard of Trustees

Campus Resources

Bodwell Center for Service & 581-3091
Student Wellness Resource 581-1423
Student Accessibility 581-2319
Campus 581-1082
Career 581-1359
Commuter & Non-Traditional Student 581-1734
Community Standards, Rights and 581-1409
Counseling Center(207) 581-1392
Office of Diversity and 581-1437
Rainbow Resource Center(207) 581-9517
Intersectional Feminist Resource
UMaine Police 581-4040
Residence 581-4801
Title IX Student 581-1406
Veterans 581-1316

Starting a UCU Account

Changing Signer(s) on Your UCU Account