Beryl Warner Williams Hall
As you approach Williams Hall from North Stevens Hall, you will see a walkway between the two buildings, one that leads to Cloke Plaza about 100 yards to the east. Feel free to take a side excursion and spend a few minutes at this campus intersection with its unusual bell tower. (Visit the online Sculptures Tour for more information about the Bell Tower.)
Back to Williams Hall with its distinctive colonnade: Named after Beryl Warner Williams, the first Black graduate to earn a degree in mathematics from UMaine (1935), the building houses the departments of Psychology, and Modern Languages and Classics, as well as the Social Interactions and Adjustment Lab. A Bangor native, Williams had a distinguished career with the historically Black colleges and universities. She received a master’s degree from UMaine in 1940, a UMaine honorary degree in 1972, and an Alumni Career Award in 1995.