Publications Index

The RiSE Center publications index provides easy access to abstracts and publication links.

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Please note:

  • RiSE Center-affiliated authors are listed in this index and indicated in bold in citations on abstract pages. See citations for any additional authors.
  • This index currently includes 188 publications from 2016 into 2023. Authors may have additional publications (older, more recent, or additional publications from this time frame).
  • RiSE Center-affiliated student theses and dissertations can be found in the UMaine Digital Commons RiSE Center collections.

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Emotional Sense-Making and Critical Thinking in the Era of Post-truth: The Case of Climate Change2022Hufnagel, Elizabeth
Using Network Analysis Techniques to Probe Student Understanding of Expressions Across Notations in Quantum Mechanics2022Thompson, John
A Different Kind of Middleman”: Preservice Science Teachers’ Agency for Climate Change Education2022Sezen-Barrie, Asli
Partners in Data Literacy2022Schauffler, Molly
Nelson, Sarah
Peterson, Franziska

The conceptualization of quantitative reasoning among introductory biology courses2021Cleveland, Ann
Sezen-Barrie, Asli
Exploring and supporting student reasoning in physics by leveraging dual-process theories of reasoning and decision making2021Stetzer, MacKenzie
Energy partitioning, dynamic fragmentation, and off-fault damage in the earthquake source volume2021Gerbi, Christopher
Supporting student construction of alternative lines of reasoning2021Stetzer, MacKenzie
Designing a remote, synchronous, hands-on general chemistry lab course2021Bruce, Mitchell
Tyrina, Anna
Detection of a novel species complex of shell-boring polychaetes in the Northeast United States2021Lindsay, Sara
Project 3813: Detection of a novel species complex of shell-boring polychaetes in the northeastern United States (images)2021Lindsay, Sara
Honors in the post-pandemic world: Situation perilous2021Amar, François
Am I getting through? Surveying students on what messages they recall from the first day of class2021Stetzer, MacKenzie
Vinson, Erin
Smith, Michelle
Developing the Next Generation of Change Agents in College Mathematics Instruction2021Speer, Natasha
Conceptual developments of aryldiazonium salts as modifiers for gold colloids and surfaces2021Bruce, Mitchell