Publications by Author
Author: Nelson, Sarah
Publications:- 2022 Partners in Data Literacy
- 2019 Northern forest winters have lost cold, snowy conditions that are important for ecosystems and human communities
- 2019 Forest N dynamics after 25 years of whole watershed N enrichment: The Bear Brook Watershed in Maine
- 2019 Unprocessed atmospheric nitrate in waters of the Northern Forest region in the U.S. and Canada
- 2019 Nitrate isotope database for meteoric waters, surface waters, soil waters, and groundwaters
- 2019 Soil nitrogen and mercury dynamics seven decades after a fire disturbance: A case study at Acadia National Park
- 2018 Soil carbon and nitrogen responses to snow removal and concrete frost in a northern coniferous forest
- 2018 Acidification and climate linkages to increased dissolved organic carbon in high-elevation lakes
- 2018 Fifteen-year record of soil temperature at the Bear Brook watershed in Maine
- 2018 Science in places of grandeur: Communication and engagement in national parks