Student Success Center
The Student Success Center is the hub for academic, personal, and professional development at the Maine Business School. This one-stop spot is home to our Professional Academic Advisors and Student Success and Professional Development team.
The Student Success Center is located in DPC 215 and is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Professional Academic Advising
Upon entrance to the Maine Business School, all students are assigned to a professional academic advisor. To find out who your academic advisor is, please log into your MaineStreet Student Center.
The Undergraduate Advising Team works with students to create an essential 4-year graduation plan customized to address curricular interests, required courses for their selected major(s) and minor(s), and general education requirements. We encourage students to consider incorporating a Study Abroad Program and/or Internship during their undergraduate career.

Cindy D’Angelo
Director of Advising
Make an Appointment:
Current UMaine Student
Current UMM Student

Julia Van Steenberghe
Director of Student Success and Recruitment
Make an Appointment:
Current UMaine Student
Prospective Student

Alex Engelkemier
Graduate (MBA) Advisor
Make an Appointment:
Current UMaine Student
Incoming Student

Madison Gilman
Gateways to Success Coordinator and First-Year Academic Advisor
Make an Appointment:
Current UMaine Student

Jody Loper
Academic Advisor & Student Support Advocate
Make an Appointment:
Current UMaine Student

Jenny Scott
Academic Advisor & Student Support Advocate
Make an Appointment:
Current UMaine Student
Student Quicklinks
Career Exploration and Readiness
With an in-house internship coordinator, we can help you navigate career exploration, internship acquisition, and other professional development opportunities.

Trina Schuler
Internship Coordinator
Make an Appointment:
Current Students
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Support You Throughout Your Journey: Your team is here to celebrate your successes and support you when things get tough. Whatever college throws your way, trust that we’re here to help and cheer you through it all!
- Academic Exploration Opportunities: We understand that your academic journey is unique to you. We’re here to help you explore possible pathways and opportunities while at UMaine and beyond.
- Guidance Around Campus: We’re here to help support you whenever we can. If we’re unable to assist you, we’ll guide you to the appropriate resources on campus. Whether it’s tutoring services, wellness resources, or financial assistance, we promise to connect you with the right people.
- Expand Your Horizons: Along with academic and professional development, we also encourage you to explore opportunities on and off campus. From landing an internship to studying abroad, we’re here to provide you with opportunities that support your growth!
- Stay connected with your Professional Academic Advisor! We are here to help you design a roadmap for success, support you through challenges, and celebrate your successes.
- Seek Help When You Need It: Seeking support early is key to your success inside and outside the Maine Business School.
- Check Your @maine.edu Email Daily and pay attention to deadlines and information sent by University Offices!
- Take Advantage Of Your Resources such as professor office hours, the Math Lab, Writing Center, Counseling Center, SWELL, Knack Tutoring, etc.
General Questions (How do I…)
You’re able to view your class schedule in multiple ways. First, you can view it on the Navigate Student App. You can also view your schedule in your Student Center in MaineStreet. Please be aware that late start courses will not appear on your schedule until they are ready to begin.
You’re able to view your cumulative GPA in MaineStreet. From the Classic Student Center, select Grades (located under the Academic History heading). From there, you can view your grades by term, as well as your cumulative GPA. To calculate your grade in classes you’re current
Receiving academic credit for your internship is an excellent way to document your experience officially. Internships completed for academic credit will appear on your official transcript!
Undergraduate MBS students can earn 0-6 credit hours by enrolling in BUA 396, and graduate students can earn 1-3 credit hours by enrolling in MBA 695. To receive credit, students must be enrolled in BUA 396 or MBA 695 while completing their internship. Academic credit cannot be offered for previous internship experiences. Contact the MBS internship coordinator for enrollment; self-enrollment is not available.
You can send your unofficial transcripts to other institutions through the MaineStreet Student Center. For directions on how to do that, visit this webpage.
You can schedule an appointment with your advisor or visit the MBS Student Success Center (DPC215) to request a drop-in meeting. If you want to meet your advisor over Zoom, you must make an appointment.
There are several ways to schedule an appointment with your advisor:
- Use the Navigate Student App. Open Navigate Student App > Click “Appointments” > Click “MY Team” > Click your academic advisors name.
- Click on the appointment link under your advisor’s name (scroll up for staff list).
- Check your email. Advisors have links to their calendars in their signature field.
- Call (207-581-1997) or email (mbs@maine.edu) the MBS Student Success Center.
In preparation for your advising appointment, you should:
- Run your Degree Audit and review it ahead of time. Your Degree Audit uses your degree’s major and general education requirements and identifies which requirements have been completed and which are incomplete.
- Write down your questions ahead of time, particularly those generated when you read your degree audit.
- Bring something to take notes with. If you have an iPad through the Digital Flagship initiative, make sure to bring that with you. You can also bring a pen and notepad to take notes.
Your advisor will contact you about scheduling an appointment in October/November and March/April to help you register for the next semester. However, you can meet with your advisor whenever you have a question.
You can meet with your advisor as many times as you want. Some students meet with their advisors regularly, and others meet with them once or twice per semester. If you have questions, please contact your advisor or the Student Success Center.
Parents are welcome to attend advising meetings with their students. If you are meeting via Zoom, the student will first be admitted to the meeting from the waiting room. The advisor will confirm that they want their parent or support person to be admitted to the meeting.
Academic Progress
You can change your major by coming to the MBS Student Success Center and completing the change of program form. You can also request to change your major during your advising meetings. Your advisor will help you complete the form.
You can add a minor or concentration by coming to the MBS Student Success Center and completing the change of program form. Business students cannot declare a business minor. MBS currently offers two concentrations – International Business and Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Only business students can declare these concentrations.
You can monitor your academic progress by meeting regularly with your advisor. You can also monitor your progress by looking at your degree progress report in MaineStreet.
If you are considering taking courses through another institution, you should talk with your advisor. Your advisor can look at the transfer tool to ensure that the class will transfer to UMaine and explain how it would benefit your degree progress.
MBS students have two attempts to pass a core business class. If you have not earned a C- or better after the second attempt, you may be asked to leave the program. You can repeat other courses until you earn the required grade. However, there can be financial aid implications if you need to take the course more than twice. Students should repeat courses at UMaine if possible, as grades from other institutions do not transfer.
Twelve credits or more are considered full-time status. A part-time course load is typically six or less credits. Part-time status can impact financial aid and other student benefits.
Your advisor will send you an email in October/November or March/April with recommended courses. We highly recommend that you meet with your advisor to discuss course selection before each registration period.
Registering, Adding, and Dropping Classes
You register for courses in MaineStreet. You will add classes to your wishlist/shopping cart in MaineStreet. Once your registration appointment day and time arrives, you will be able to move those courses from your wish list or shopping cart to enrollment.
An in-person class will have days, times, and locations of the course. An online synchronous class will show as online live. Those courses will have days and times, but the location will be online live. The link to the Zoom room will be included in the syllabus and on Brightspace. An online asynchronous class will show the day, time, and location as web.
A hybrid class will appear with multiple offerings. You should see days, dates, times, and locations for any in-person component and then whether the remaining meetings will be online live or online asynchronous. Some online asynchronous courses will require proctored exams so there will be exam dates and times listed as well. Please contact the MBS Student Success Center or your advisor for clarification.
If you are on a waiting list for a business course, the waiting list will be reviewed before the start of the semester. If someone drops the course and you are automatically enrolled, you will receive a MaineStreet message. If you receive a MaineStreet message that you have been skipped, please reach out to your advisor before you change your schedule to accommodate the class. If you were skipped, the system has already looked at and potentially enrolled someone else on the waiting list. Please be sure to work with your advisor to select an alternative class or section.
For a full-semester course, students can drop themselves from the class in MaineStreet for the first two weeks of the semester. Students needing assistance in dropping a course can come to the MBS Student Success Center or connect with their advisor by scheduling an appointment or sending an email.
We recommend that you check with financial aid before you drop a class. Financial aid can be impacted if a student drops a course and receives a refund if it puts them below full-time status. If you withdraw from a course earning a W and not credits for the class, it could impact future financial aid.
Enrollment in summer courses typically begins in February. Students can register themselves for summer courses or meet with their advisor for assistance. If you are taking a summer course through another institution, you will need to register through that institution and complete a domestic study away form.
- Talk to your instructor to see if they can assist you with getting back on track and answer any questions that you may have.
- Sign up for Knack tutoring.
- Activate study buddies on your Navigate Student app for this course.
- Meet with your advisor.
Withdrawl, Probation, and Leaves
Students who wish to take a semester or two off from taking classes may request a leave of absence through their advisor. Students taking a leave of absence retain the right to return to their college and keep the same catalog requirements without needing to reapply to the University. Students must have no financial indebtedness to the University. Students must obtain approval for a leave of absence no later than two weeks after the start of the semester in which they take the leave. MBS students on a leave of absence should reach out to the Student Success Center when they are ready to resume their studies.
If you need to take a semester off due to medical reasons, students can opt to take a leave of absence or break enrollment and readmit when they are able to resume their studies.
If you need to take a medical leave in a semester that has already started, please reach out to the MBS Student Success Center as soon as possible. You will be connected with the Director of Academic Advising to begin the process of withdrawing from the semester or courses for medical reasons. Students need to complete a medical withdrawal packet and provide medical documentation to support the request.
If you are withdrawing from classes for a personal or voluntary reason, please contact the MBS Student Success Center or your advisor as soon as possible. We will need the request in writing with a statement as to why you need to withdraw.
If you are looking to withdraw from classes for a medical reason, please reach out to the MBS Student Success Center as soon as possible. You will then be connected with the Director of Academic Advising to work through the medical withdrawal process.
Students are placed on academic probation if they received a semester grade point average below a 2.000 even if their cumulative gpa is above a 2.00. If their cumulative grade point average falls below a 2.000 they are also put on probation. To be removed from probation, your semester and cumulative grade point average both need to be a 2.000 or above.
Students will be subject to suspension following any fall or spring semester when any of the following conditions apply:
- The student’s earned semester grade point average is 0.00
- The student has failed to fulfill the terms of an academic contract.
- The student is already on probation and has earned a semester grade point average of 1.0 or below.
- The student is already on probation and has not met required cumulative grade point minima (at least 1.7 for students with 0-23 earned credits; at least 2.0 for students with 24 or more earned credits) unless the student’s semester grade point average is a 2.0 or higher.
There are two types of dismissals at UMaine. As noted in the Undergraduate Catalog, academic dismissal is the final action taken when students are not making satisfactory progress toward a degree or when students readmitted after suspension show no improvement in their cumulative average or otherwise fail to meet conditions set by the college. A student who has been dismissed is considered separated from the University permanently and is not normally allowed readmission.
The other type of dismissal as a Program Dismissal. The Maine Business School has a policy that students are allowed two attempts to earn a C- or better in a core business course (not including Ws). If a student does not earn the required C- or better after the second attempt they can be dismissed from the Maine Business School. Students dismissed from MBS have one semester to find another program at UMaine. Students who are dismissed from MBS cannot earn a business major at UMaine.