Title | Publication Date | Publication Name | Publication Type | Author(s) |
Spatial Cognitive Aging: Cognitive Map Decay and Compensatory Augmentations for Older Adults | 2017 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Bennett, C.R. |
Conveying Topographic Information with 3D printed Models and Tactile Maps | 2017 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Perry, R.J. |
Evaluating Age-Related Cognitive Map Decay using a Novel Time-Delayed Testing Paradigm | 2017 | In the Proceedings of Spatial Cognition X | Refereed Conferences | Bennett, C.R. Giudice, N.A. |
Spatial updating of haptic arrays across the lifespan | 2017 | Experimental Aging Research | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Giudice, N.A. Bennett, C.R. Klatzky, R.L. Loomis, J.M. |
Principles for Designing Large-Format Refreshable Haptic Graphics Using Touchscreen Devices: An Evaluation of Nonvisual Panning Methods | 2017 | Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Palani, H.P. Giudice, N.A. |
What goes unseen in accessible publishing: good practice and remaining gaps | 2016 | European Science Editing | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Gies, T. Boucherie, S. Narup, T. Wise, A. Giudice, N.A. |
Evaluation of multi-level cognitive maps for supporting between-floor spatial behavior in complex indoor environments | 2016 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Li, H. |
Usability Parameters for Touchscreen-based Haptic Perception | 2016 | IEEE Haptics Symposium '16 | Refereed Conferences | Palani, H.P. Giudice, N.A. |
Spatial Preposition Use in Indoor Scene Descriptions | 2016 | Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GI Science ’16) | Refereed Conferences | Doore, S.A. Beard, M.K. Giudice, N.A. |
Indoor Airport Wayfinding for Blind and Visually Impaired Travelers | 2016 | Report to the Federal Aviation Administration | Technical Reports | Legge, G.E. Downey, C. Giudice, N.A. Tjan, B.S. |
Visual, tangible, and touch-screen: Comparison of platforms for displaying simple graphics | 2016 | Assistive Technology | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Gershon, P. Klatzky, R.L. Palani, H. Giudice, N.A. |
Assessment of Visualization Interfaces for Assisting the Development of Multi-level Cognitive Maps | 2016 | Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Foundations of Augmented Cognition | Refereed Conferences | Li, H. Corey, R.R. Giudice, U. Giudice, N.A. |
Evaluation of Non-Visual Zooming Operations using Touch-Screen Devices | 2016 | Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction | Refereed Conferences | Palani, H.P. Giudice, U. Giudice, N.A. |
Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation as a Tool for Aging and Driving Research | 2016 | Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population | Refereed Conferences | Bennett, C.R. Corey, R.R. Giudice, U. Giudice, N.A. |
Appliance Displays: Accessibility Challenges and Proposed Solutions | 2015 | Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '15) | Refereed Conferences | Fusco, G. Tekin, E. Giudice, N.A. Coughlan, J.M. |
Designing Media for Visually-Impaired Users of Refreshable Touch Displays: Possibilities and Pitfalls | 2015 | Transactions on Haptics | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | O’Modhrain, S. Giudice, N.A. Gardner, J.A. Legge, G.E. |
Haptic assistive technology for individuals who are visually impaired | 2015 | Transactions on Haptics | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Pawluk, D.T. Bourbakis, N. Giudice, N.A. Hayward, V. Heller, M. |
Touch-Screen Technology for the Dynamic Display of 2D Spatial Information Without Vision: Promise and Progress | 2014 | Multisensory Research | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Klatzky, R.L. Giudice, N.A. Bennett, C.R. Loomis, J.M. |
Evaluation of Non-Visual Panning operations using Touch-Screen Devices | 2014 | | Refereed Conferences | Palani, H.P. Giudice, N.A. |
The effects of 2D and 3D maps on learning virtual multi-level indoor environments | 2013 | Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Map Interaction (MapInteract'13) | Refereed Conferences | Li, H. Giudice, N.A. |
The effects of immersion and body-based rotation on learning multi-level indoor virtual environments | 2013 | Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness (ISA 2013) | Refereed Conferences | Li, H. Giudice, N.A. |
The planar mosaic fails to account for spatially directed action | 2013 | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Klatzky, R.L. Giudice, N.A. |
Vertical color maps: A data independent alternative to floor plan maps | 2013 | Cartographica | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Nossum, A.S. Giudice, N.A. Li, H. |
Indoor Inertial Waypoint Navigation for the Blind | 2013 | Proceedings of the 35th annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC'13) | Refereed Conferences | Riehle, T.H. Anderson, S. M. Lichter, P.A. Whalen, W.E. Giudice, N.A. |
Combining locations from working memory and long-term memory into a common spatial image | 2013 | Spatial Cognition and Computation | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Giudice, N.A. Klatzky, R.L. Bennett, C.R. Loomis, J.M. |
Schematisation in Hard-copy Tactile Orientation Maps | 2013 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Graf, C. |
Indoor Scene Knowledge Acquisition using Natural Language Descriptions | 2013 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Kesavan, S. |
Making Graphical Information Accessible Without Vision Using Touch-Based Devices | 2013 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Palani, H.P. |
Representing 3D Space in Working Memory: Spatial Images from Vision, Hearing, Touch, and Language | 2013 | Multisensory Imagery: Theory & Applications | Book Chapters | Loomis, J. M. Klatzky, R. L. Giudice, N.A. |
Perception of 3-D location based on vision, touch, and extended touch | 2013 | Experimental Brain Research | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Giudice, N.A. Klatzky, R.L. Bennett, C.R. Loomis, J.M. |
The effects of visual granularity on indoor spatial learning assisted by mobile 3D information displays | 2012 | Proceedings of Spatial Cognition VIII: Lecture Notes in computer science | Refereed Conferences | Giudice, N.A. Li, H. |
Indoor magnetic navigation for the blind | 2012 | Proceedings of the 34th annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC'12) | Refereed Conferences | Riehl, T. H. Anderson, S. M. Lichter, P.A. Giudice, N.A. Sheikh, S.I. Knuesel, R.J. Kollmann, D.T. |
Learning non-visual graphical information using a touch-based vibro-audio interface | 2012 | Proceedings of the 14th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (Assets'12) | Refereed Conferences | Giudice, N.A. Palani, H. Brenner, E. Kramer, K.M. |
Sensory substitution of vision:Importance of perceptual and cognitive processing | 2012 | Assistive Technology for Blindness and Low Vision | Book Chapters | Loomis, J.M. Klatzky, R.L. Giudice, N.A. |
Using mobile 3D visualization techniques to facilitate multi-level cognitive map development of complex indoor spaces | 2012 | Proceedings of the international Workshop on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Limited Information Displays (SKALID'12) | Refereed Conferences | Li, H. Giudice, N.A. |