
Gutenberg corner: Steps to replace a Content Blocks page

Changing a page from using Content Blocks to Gutenberg can be as simple as clicking the “Disable content blocks” button in the page editor. However, this change is immediate and affects the published page. In most situations, content managers will want to create a new page using the Gutenberg editor, as working with a draft […]

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Publishing accessible documents online with Sharepoint file viewer

Microsoft Office 365 has robust accessibility features you can utilize to ensure your documents meet these important standards. Following the above checklist will ensure a smooth accessibility review process using the accessibility review feature in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Once a document is ready to publish online, a good option to consider is the […]

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Gutenberg corner: Training, support and community

Beginning with this newsletter, the “Gutenberg corner” will feature tips, advice, and updates regarding the new Gutenberg editor and its functionality for UMaine websites. Gutenberg training available biweekly If you are ready to learn about the new Gutenberg editor, or just want a refresher on its features, our biweekly Gutenberg training is a great place to start. […]

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Winter website updates underway: SEO, Events Calendar, Jetpack

The Digital Communications team has been performing behind-the-scenes work with your websites. You may see changes in the WordPress dashboard once these changes are made: SEO — Moving from Yoast to SEOPress As mentioned in our October newsletter, we are transitioning from the Yoast SEO tool to SEOPress for search optimization features. The SEOPress tool […]

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Twitter/X updates and recommendations

Earlier this year, Twitter changed its name to X Corp, and the familiar bluebird icon was changed. We are working with UMS IT to change the twitter icon on our campus websites where it appears in social menus. This logo change will occur automatically for our social links menus. If you have featured a link […]

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Important: Event list content block problems

A required update to our WordPress software has broken the Event List Content Block. We are working with UMS IT to remove the block from use altogether in a future update. Because of this problem, pages using the event list content block are not listing events in the correct order, and many events are missing […]

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Summer website considerations

Spring semester is behind us, and many students have graduated and moved on. Now is a great time to review your website user list, and alert us to anyone who no longer needs access to your sites. Important: everyone should have their own account It can be tempting to share your user account login with […]

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Menu content block and mobile device display

The menu content block can be a handy page element to display a list of links in a button or list format, and is especially useful when that same set of links needs to be maintained across multiple pages. There is a known display issue with the menu content block’s “Blue horizontal buttons” display option […]

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QR codes and importance of mobile pages

Are you using QR codes to send visitors to your web pages? While these two-dimensional “matrix” barcodes have been around for decades, in 2023 most mobile phone cameras can identify a QR code and understand the information it contains. Digital Communications has received numerous requests and inquiries regarding QR codes in the last year, and […]

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Website consultation topics

Is your website helping you meet your goals? Do you want to make improvements, but do not know where to begin? We now offer “office hours” style website consultation sessions, where we can meet to focus on your content and brainstorm improvements that can be made. “Digital life coach” session This high level topic is […]

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