Gutenberg corner: Training, support and community

Beginning with this newsletter, the “Gutenberg corner” will feature tips, advice, and updates regarding the new Gutenberg editor and its functionality for UMaine websites.

Gutenberg training available biweekly

If you are ready to learn about the new Gutenberg editor, or just want a refresher on its features, our biweekly Gutenberg training is a great place to start. See below for training dates. All trainings are conducted via Zoom and recorded for easy reference.

Need help? Don’t struggle! Contact Digital Communications for support

Our team is working with Gutenberg for websites on a daily basis, and through our own work we understand that learning these new features and combining different Gutenberg blocks can be a daunting challenge. If you are struggling to get a web page to display as you want, or want to learn how we achieved some of the Gutenberg designs on websites, please reach out to us.

Coming soon: GIG, the Gutenberg Interest Gang

This semester we will be launching an email group and Google Chat space for a Gutenberg Interest Gang (GIG). This will be a friendly space to ask questions, report problems, and share successes with other website editors across campus.

Contact us at if you would like to join our Gutenberg Interest Gang.