Summer website considerations

Spring semester is behind us, and many students have graduated and moved on. Now is a great time to review your website user list, and alert us to anyone who no longer needs access to your sites.

Important: everyone should have their own account

It can be tempting to share your user account login with a coworker or student to give them access to the WordPress websites. However, doing this violates UMS IT data security guidance. Digital Communications can set up new user accounts quickly, and by asking us for new accounts we are able to reach out and provide direct support to each user. Beginning July 1, all new users must take our Accessibility training pathway through UMS Academy before they are able to edit web pages, and user accounts that are found to be shared will have access restricted to adhere to UMS accessibility requirements.

Digital Communications available for support

If you need support for your website, a refresher on training, or want to plan important changes to your website over the summer, we are here to help. Please contact us at regarding any of our training topics listed below, or request a Friday consultation slot to discuss your website goals.