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Assessment of between-floor structural and topological properties on cognitive map development in multilevel built environments2017Spatial Cognition & ComputationLi, H.
Giudice, N.A.
Spatial updating of multiple targets: Comparison of younger and older adults2017Memory and CognitionBennett, C.R.
Loomis, J.M.
Klatzky, R.L.
Giudice, N.A.
Spatial Cognitive Aging: Cognitive Map Decay and Compensatory Augmentations for Older Adults2017Bennett, C.R.
Conveying Topographic Information with 3D printed Models and Tactile Maps2017Perry, R.J.
Evaluating Age-Related Cognitive Map Decay using a Novel Time-Delayed Testing Paradigm2017In the Proceedings of Spatial Cognition XBennett, C.R.
Giudice, N.A.
Spatial updating of haptic arrays across the lifespan2017Experimental Aging ResearchGiudice, N.A.
Bennett, C.R.
Klatzky, R.L.
Loomis, J.M.
Principles for Designing Large-Format Refreshable Haptic Graphics Using Touchscreen Devices: An Evaluation of Nonvisual Panning Methods2017Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS)Palani, H.P.
Giudice, N.A.
What goes unseen in accessible publishing: good practice and remaining gaps2016European Science EditingGies, T.
Boucherie, S.
Narup, T.
Wise, A.
Giudice, N.A.
Evaluation of multi-level cognitive maps for supporting between-floor spatial behavior in complex indoor environments2016Li, H.
Usability Parameters for Touchscreen-based Haptic Perception2016IEEE Haptics Symposium '16Palani, H.P.
Giudice, N.A.
Spatial Preposition Use in Indoor Scene Descriptions2016Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GI Science ’16)Doore, S.A.
Beard, M.K.
Giudice, N.A.
Indoor Airport Wayfinding for Blind and Visually Impaired Travelers2016Report to the Federal Aviation AdministrationLegge, G.E.
Downey, C.
Giudice, N.A.
Tjan, B.S.
Visual, tangible, and touch-screen: Comparison of platforms for displaying simple graphics2016Assistive TechnologyGershon, P.
Klatzky, R.L.
Palani, H.
Giudice, N.A.
Assessment of Visualization Interfaces for Assisting the Development of Multi-level Cognitive Maps2016Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Foundations of Augmented CognitionLi, H.
Corey, R.R.
Giudice, U.
Giudice, N.A.
Evaluation of Non-Visual Zooming Operations using Touch-Screen Devices2016Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Universal Access in Human-Computer InteractionPalani, H.P.
Giudice, U.
Giudice, N.A.
Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation as a Tool for Aging and Driving Research2016Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Human Aspects of IT for the Aged PopulationBennett, C.R.
Corey, R.R.
Giudice, U.
Giudice, N.A.
Appliance Displays: Accessibility Challenges and Proposed Solutions2015Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '15)Fusco, G.
Tekin, E.
Giudice, N.A.
Coughlan, J.M.
Designing Media for Visually-Impaired Users of Refreshable Touch Displays: Possibilities and Pitfalls2015Transactions on HapticsO’Modhrain, S.
Giudice, N.A.
Gardner, J.A.
Legge, G.E.
Haptic assistive technology for individuals who are visually impaired2015Transactions on HapticsPawluk, D.T.
Bourbakis, N.
Giudice, N.A.
Hayward, V.
Heller, M.
Touch-Screen Technology for the Dynamic Display of 2D Spatial Information Without Vision: Promise and Progress2014Multisensory ResearchKlatzky, R.L.
Giudice, N.A.
Bennett, C.R.
Loomis, J.M.
Evaluation of Non-Visual Panning operations using Touch-Screen Devices2014Palani, H.P.
Giudice, N.A.
The effects of 2D and 3D maps on learning virtual multi-level indoor environments2013Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Map Interaction (MapInteract'13)Li, H.
Giudice, N.A.
The effects of immersion and body-based rotation on learning multi-level indoor virtual environments2013Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness (ISA 2013)Li, H.
Giudice, N.A.
The planar mosaic fails to account for spatially directed action2013Behavioral and Brain SciencesKlatzky, R.L.
Giudice, N.A.
Vertical color maps: A data independent alternative to floor plan maps2013CartographicaNossum, A.S.
Giudice, N.A.
Li, H.
Indoor Inertial Waypoint Navigation for the Blind2013Proceedings of the 35th annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC'13)Riehle, T.H.
Anderson, S. M.
Lichter, P.A.
Whalen, W.E.
Giudice, N.A.
Combining locations from working memory and long-term memory into a common spatial image2013Spatial Cognition and ComputationGiudice, N.A.
Klatzky, R.L.
Bennett, C.R.
Loomis, J.M.
Schematisation in Hard-copy Tactile Orientation Maps2013Graf, C.
Indoor Scene Knowledge Acquisition using Natural Language Descriptions2013Kesavan, S.
Making Graphical Information Accessible Without Vision Using Touch-Based Devices2013Palani, H.P.
Representing 3D Space in Working Memory: Spatial Images from Vision, Hearing, Touch, and Language2013Multisensory Imagery: Theory & ApplicationsLoomis, J. M.
Klatzky, R. L.
Giudice, N.A.
Perception of 3-D location based on vision, touch, and extended touch2013Experimental Brain ResearchGiudice, N.A.
Klatzky, R.L.
Bennett, C.R.
Loomis, J.M.
The effects of visual granularity on indoor spatial learning assisted by mobile 3D information displays2012Proceedings of Spatial Cognition VIII: Lecture Notes in computer scienceGiudice, N.A.
Li, H.
Indoor magnetic navigation for the blind2012Proceedings of the 34th annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC'12)Riehl, T. H.
Anderson, S. M.
Lichter, P.A.
Giudice, N.A.
Sheikh, S.I.
Knuesel, R.J.
Kollmann, D.T.
Learning non-visual graphical information using a touch-based vibro-audio interface2012Proceedings of the 14th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (Assets'12)Giudice, N.A.
Palani, H.
Brenner, E.
Kramer, K.M.