Content Blocks

UMaine website updates and bug fixes (September 2019)

We are making some minor changes to content blocks that you may notice, revising the names of some blocks, and adjusting the naming of options for clarity and consistency across campuses. Functionality of content blocks should not change, if you notice anything working differently in October please let us know Bug fixes A longstanding bug in […]

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Making the most of the slider content block

One of the content blocks we make available is a slider— a content area that allows for an image with a headline that links to something when clicked, complete with forward/back controls to “slide” additional images/headlines/links into view. Sliders (also known as carousels) are attention-getting, but ineffective for promoting multiple features— usability studies have shown […]

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Known issues with UMaine’s WordPress system

The UMaine website design— ‘theme’ in WordPress terms— is complex, and there are known issues you may encounter: Scheduling feature does not work There is a built-in feature in WordPress where you can create a post or page, and schedule it to publish at a date/time in the future. The feature utilizes a scheduled task […]

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Menu Content Block highlighted

Menu content block

Last semester we debuted a new content block for menus. This will allow you to add links to a web page in one of several menu formats: Bulleted list of links Vertical menu, similar to the sidebar menus Button bar menu, similar to the “call to action” widget If you have used the custom menu […]

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Update to Events Lists

We have an update to the Event List content block that may be of interest to sites using our event calendar feature. The “List Type” options have been updated to allow for specifying categories of events on any calendar. Previously one could only select an event category from the campus-wide UMaine Calendar site. Here is how […]

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