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Best practices: Alt text for images

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and Digital Communications will be increasing our efforts to improve the accessibility of web content on in the coming year. The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. This month, we […]

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Updating published email addresses

As you may know, UMaine retired the FirstClass system in May of this year. This means that every email address that ended with will eventually stop working. Please take a look at your website for published email addresses that may need to be updated. You can use the website search feature to help— navigate […]

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Menu Content Block highlighted

Menu content block

Last semester we debuted a new content block for menus. This will allow you to add links to a web page in one of several menu formats: Bulleted list of links Vertical menu, similar to the sidebar menus Button bar menu, similar to the “call to action” widget If you have used the custom menu […]

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Accessibility for charts, graphs and infographics

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and Digital Communications will be increasing our efforts to improve the accessibility of web content on in the coming year. The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. This month, we […]

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Update to Events Lists

We have an update to the Event List content block that may be of interest to sites using our event calendar feature. The “List Type” options have been updated to allow for specifying categories of events on any calendar. Previously one could only select an event category from the campus-wide UMaine Calendar site. Here is how […]

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Update to Resources

In March we made some important updates to the UMaine theme in WordPress, the biggest change is how Resources are added to pages and posts. Visually it will look the same, but instead of using the “oembed” method of pasting a URL into the editor, you will need to use the “Add Media” button above […]

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What to do if images are broken on your migrated website

What is happening is due to the manner in which WordPress optimizes image sizes. If you find that you have a page on your old site with an image that is broken in the migrated site, the good news is that it is straightforward to fix. Why this happens If a picture has larger dimensions […]

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