Making the most of the slider content block

One of the content blocks we make available is a slider— a content area that allows for an image with a headline that links to something when clicked, complete with forward/back controls to “slide” additional images/headlines/links into view.

Sliders (also known as carousels) are attention-getting, but ineffective for promoting multiple features— usability studies have shown that 90% of visitors will at best click the first slide, meaning the additional slides will not be seen. We typically recommend image content blocks be used in a mosaic to feature multiple content items on a page instead of a slider. A compelling argument against sliders may be found at this website.

At the same time, sliders can be used effectively for visual impact— the UMaine homepage features a slider at the top with a single feature, for example. This gives a full-bleed (border-to-border) image for visual impact.

If you are using sliders on your site, there is a specific ratio you can use for your images that will ensure they fill the width of the page for desktop and mobile viewers. If you have noticed that your slider images have black bars to the sides, resizing/cropping your image to 1500 x 700 will improve presentation. For help with your slider images, please email