
Web archiving

Saving the web

Digital Curation webinar focuses on saving the Web As more of our work and entertainment moves online, the challenge of preserving websites and social media becomes increasingly urgent. In an interactive discussion on 17 April 2020 entitled “Web Archiving for Everyone,” the latest guest speaker in UMaine’s Digital Curation program presents new tools and techniques […]

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AE hackathon

American East Farm Hackathon

Still Water Co-director Joline Blais was part of the team that helped organize the 2019 America East Hackathon, which focused on developing inexpensive apps and systems to sustain local farmers.

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bon_appetit AR capstone

Preview of New Media Capstones

New Media capstone students have developed capstone projects reflecting and extending a range of skills learned in the program including web and mobile app development, AR and VR applications, interactive educational video, and 3D design and printing of accessibility devices. Many of our students are working with outside clients and/or field testing new software platforms. […]

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Digital and Genetic Code at Colgate

New Media alumna Margaretha Haughwout invited Still Water co-directors Joline Blais and Jon Ippolito to explore the connections between different types of code and how they can be open-sourced, digitally and biologically, in a series of talks and workshops at Colgate University in November 2018.

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