Lab News & Views

Reflecting on the Maine Climate Council process 

The Maine Climate Council Scientific and Technical Subcommittee recently released their 2024 report, which guides the work of the Council in finalizing the Maine Climate Action Plan later this year. Here, Leslie Lab affiliate Dr. Jess Reilly-Moman reflects on her experience supporting the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee over the last year. An Anthropologist and An […]

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Connecting local and scientific knowledge

Earlier this spring, I traveled to La Paz, on the gulf coast of the Mexican state of Baja California Sur (BCS). It had been four years since I had last visited, in March 2020, as the pandemic was spreading across the globe. I was grateful to be able to travel with a close colleague and […]

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Progress towards ecosystem-based management

Read on to learn about the progress of marine ecosystem-based management, in light of a recent publication in Ocean Sustainability that Heather contributed to.  The team shared their findings in an article published in the academic journal Ocean Sustainability, published by Nature. “Even in the face of the challenges to coastal communities and ecosystems created by the […]

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Scallop news

Check out this recent Portland Press Herald article about the collaborative work that Leslie Lab grad student Phoebe Jekielek is engaged in.

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Soft shell clam taken by K Pellowe

Community Science Update

This spring, as part of an ongoing community science project in collaboration with the Damariscotta-Newcastle Joint Shellfish Committee, we are hosting a series of focus group discussions to discuss values and visions for the future of the Damariscotta River. We will dig into questions like, “What do you value about the river?” or “How do […]

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Our shared ocean

A special issue of Maine Policy Review – Our Shared Ocean – features work by multiple Leslie Lab members: Graduate student Sarah Risley (above) led publication of findings from the first four years of the Damariscotta Community Science project, in collaboration with former Leslie Lab grad students Kara Pellowe and Melissa Britsch; Professor Heather Leslie; […]

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Tim Frawley headshot

Fishers’ resilence to climate impacts

Tim Frawley, Heather Leslie and other members of the MAREA+ team just published a new paper in Global Environmental Change. The study was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award BCS-2009821) and based on more than 10 years of fisheries data collected by fishermen and curated by the Mexican government. Learn more about the study here. 

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Woman teaching students on a dock

Communication shapes collaboration

Listen to this interview with Leslie Lab member Jennifer Smith-Mayo to learn how transdisciplinary collaboration is shaped by communication, team science, engaged digital media, and practices and process. More of our work in this area is summarized in our recent open-access publication: McGreavy, B., K. Haynal, J. Smith-Mayo,  J. Reilly-Moman, M. T. Kinnison, D. Ranco, […]

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Sophia meauring a sea star

Summer internships

Undergraduate Research Internship in Estuarine Ecology: Applications will be reviewed starting February 5, 2024

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Soft shell clam taken by K Pellowe

Community Science Update

Since 2019, researchers at UMaine’s Darling Marine Center and members of the joint shellfish committee of Damariscotta and Newcastle have collaborated on a community science project focused on the ecology and shellfish resources of the upper Damariscotta River estuary. We have gathered information on both the ecological and human dimensions of the wild shellfish fisheries […]

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