Our shared ocean
A special issue of Maine Policy Review – Our Shared Ocean – features work by multiple Leslie Lab members:
Graduate student Sarah Risley (above) led publication of findings from the first four years of the Damariscotta Community Science project, in collaboration with former Leslie Lab grad students Kara Pellowe and Melissa Britsch; Professor Heather Leslie; and Maine Department of Marine Resources scientist, Meredith White. The peer-reviewed research article is entitled “Community science in support of ecosystem-based management: A case study from the Damariscotta River Estuary,” and can be accessed via the Lab’s Publications page or here.
Professor Heather Leslie authored an essay for the issue, as well, reflecting on her experiences conducting research, mentored students and collaborated with diverse community partners on a number of projects focused on shellfish fisheries co-management and other community-led resilience projects in coastal Maine. The essay is entitled “What Gives Me Hope,” and can be accessed here.
To read the full issue, see https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mpr/vol32/iss2/