COEHD Standing Committees
Standing committees are tasked with carrying out the functions of the College of Education and Human Development. Each standing committee shall have its own by-laws, which shall include the purpose, functions, structure and procedures of the committee. Elections of members of standing committees shall be held at the last college faculty meeting during the spring semester every year. At that time, faculty shall also vote to continue, replace, modify, create or disband standing committees.
The dean or designee may not suspend the work of any committee, disband a committee, or change the function or purpose of a committee without giving proper notice to faculty. Regular faculty shall vote on any such proposal and the result of the vote shall be shared with the dean and the college at large.
Standing Committee Information
COEHD Special Committees
The faculty or the dean of the College of Education and Human Development may create special committees for specific purposes as needs arise. With approval of the college’s most recent by-laws, the following special committees have been created: