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Programs and degrees
The College of Education and Human Development at University of Maine offers a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees.
School of Learning and Teaching
Elementary Education (Areas of Specialization: English; Mathematics; Physical/Life Science; Social Studies; Child Development; Special Education 4+1 program; French; Spanish)
Secondary Education (Content Areas: Physical Science; Life Science; English; Social Studies; Mathematics; French; Spanish)
Graduate certificates
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Classroom Technology Integrationist
Computational Thinking for Educators
Early Childhood Teacher
High Leverage Practices to Promote Inclusion
Instructional Design
Library and Media Specialist
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support: RTI for Behavior
Special Education Leadership: Assistant Special Education Director
Graduate degrees
Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction (M.Ed.; M.S.; Ed.S.)
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
Instructional Technology (M.Ed.)
Literacy Education (M.Ed.; Ed.S.)
Special Education (M.Ed.; Ed.S.)
PreK-12 Education (Ph.D., includes concentrations in Literacy Education, Prevention and Intervention Studies, and STEM Education).
School of Educational Leadership, Higher Education and Human Development
Child Development and Family Relations (Includes concentrations in Early Childhood Development and Individual & Family Studies)
Peace and Reconciliation Studies (Minor)
Graduate certificates
Try On Leadership
Graduate degrees
Educational Leadership (M.Ed.; Ed.S.)
Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)
Higher Education (M.Ed.; Ed.S.)
Higher Education (Ph.D.; Ed.D.)
Human Development (M.S.)
Peace and Reconciliation Studies (M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies)
School of Kinesiology, Physical Education and Athletic Training
Kinesiology and Physical Education (includes concentrations in Exercise Science, Outdoor Leadership, and Teaching & Coaching)
Master of Science in Athletic Training (MSAT)
Kinesiology and Physical Education (M.S.; M.Ed.)