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Accreditation & Assessment

The Maine Business School has held accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) since 1974. AACSB Accreditation signals to the world that an institution has met the most rigorous standards of excellence in business education. Institutions that bear the AACSB-accredited mark demonstrate that they are committed to upholding and advancing the quality of their programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition to AACSB unit accreditation, the Maine Business School is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) under the University of Maine System (UMS).

MBS Accreditation & Assessment

Strategic Planning & Focus

Assurance of Learning (AoL)

Faculty Qualifications & Sufficiency

Institutional Research Data


Student Enrollment

Degrees Conferred

Retention & Graduation Rates

Student Credit Hours

AACSB Continuous Improvement Review

AACSB Continuous Improvement Review Process | AACSB 2020 Guiding Principles and Standards

The AACSB continuous improvement review (CIR) process is conducted every five years and creates an ongoing focus of continuous improvement. This signals that an AACSB-accredited institution has documented continuous improvements in support of its stated mission and strategic management plan to sustain AACSB accreditation status. On July 1, two years prior to the continuous improvement review, each institution is asked to submit a CIR application to initiate the continuous improvement review process. No later than 60 days prior to the peer review team visit, a CIR report should be submitted to AACSB.

For more information, visit the AACSB CIR website.

UMaine Program Review Criteria

Program Review Approximate Timeline | Program Review Process Overview

Program review at the University of Maine is part of the ongoing process of accountability and improvement of the academic enterprise. It is governed by both University of Maine System (UMS) and national accreditation standards. All academic programs will be reviewed at least every 7, preferably every five, years. Newly formed academic programs will have an abbreviated review after 2 years. This document describes the context and procedures of program review through the following sections:

For more information, visit the Provost’s Office website.