Safety Training Guidelines

University, USGS, and departmental safety policies require all employees to complete the required Safety Training. A safety worksheet can be obtained here.  A worksheet must be completed annually for every employee with a separate form needed for every job and supervisor that the employee has in the department. You will be notified monthly when your current training has expired and will be asked to renew your training if still required and proof of re-training must be on file with Katherine.

a) The faculty supervisor will answer the questionnaire and it will be given to Katherine for processing. Katherine will compile a list of required training based on the answers to the questions. If you are a USGS supervised student, you will be given a JHA with links to required DOI specific training

b) The University of Maine workplace safety requirements 2020 (pdf) were developed to satisfy compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. By Maine law, you are obligated to comply with all University safety regulations, policies, and procedures. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including loss of privileges for the use of University research facilities.