
1. BUILDING AND OFFICE – work with Rena Carey

Some exterior doors and computer labs require MaineCard access which should be obtained from Mark Austin in room 208.  To obtain office keys or lab keys, students must complete a sign-out card for each key.  Cards can be obtained from Rena in Room 246.  Only the Department Chair can assign and sign for graduate office keys.  The Graduate Advisor can sign for general area keys.  Only owners of labs or other offices lab may sign for lab keys.  Loss of keys should be reported immediately to Campus Police, Building Manager, and Graduate Advisor.  When you graduate or leave the program, all keys must be turned in to the office in person.

2. POLE BARN AND DEER PEN – work with Molly Langlais-Parker or Katherine Goodine

If you require access to the Pole Barn or the Deer Pen, there are keys available from Katherine or Molly in Room 210 that you can borrow. If needed, your advisor may grant you permission to obtain your own key. Please see Rena to obtain a key sign-out card and keys.