Welcome to the UMaine Writing Center!

Email: umwcenter@maine.edu

Director: Paige Mitchell

Consultant Coordinator: Abigail Roberts

ELL Specialist: Paul England

Founder: Professor Emeritus, Harvey Kail

Register an account with us to schedule an appointment with one of our tutors. Visit our “Meet Us” tab to see our specializations. Check out our FAQ page to see how to be a member of our team, professional undergraduate and graduate consultants trained in critical reading and writing!

supporting ELL students
For information about our English Language Learner (ELL) tutors, see our “About the Tutors” page.

Mission Statement

To amplify learner-centered strategies that support students in their academic growth, the Writing Center offers tutorials grounded in best practices for research, writing, and communication. Available services include tutorials on revising writing, analyzing research, public speaking, designing portfolios, and workshops on dissertation writing, publishing, and peer-reviewing.

UMaine’s Writing Center supports undergraduates and graduates across all disciplines. We are committed to providing learner-centered support through face-to-face consultations (since 1978) and online consultations (since 2016). Our services are free and available to all members of the UMaine community: students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members.

Our mission is to prioritize learner-centered approaches that amplify all voices and perspectives while fostering empowered relationships between writers and their work. Through peer-to-peer support and collaboration, we are committed to adapting to evolving writing technologies to create a welcoming, inclusive, and learner-centered environment. 

We are a safe space, dedicated to supporting your growth and success at UMaine. Visit our website to learn more about our staff, scheduling options, and how we can help you professionalize your potential today! 


Neville Hall Rm. 402

Monday-Friday 11am-3pm

Folger Library

Monday-Thursday 6pm-7pm


Email umwcenter@maine.edu.