
Important: Known issue with saving Content Blocks pages

We have identified an issue with pages using the Content Blocks editor that can result in a page not updating as expected. If you open a block for editing, the editor window for the content of the block will have a “save” button to update the block within the overall page editor. The problem arises […]

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More sites using Gutenberg, video backgrounds

In January the UMaine home page was refreshed to take advantage of modern web design features. The most noticeable change you will see is a full-motion video at the top of the home page instead of a static image. As you scroll deeper into the home page, you will find elements that help section off different […]

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Open call for newsletters — Mailchimp, Constant Contact, etc.

Does your department publish an email newsletter? Digital Communications will be auditing our website in the near future in a search for colleges, schools, departments and groups using email marketing tools such as Constant Contact, Mailchimp and others. While the campus WordPress environment (and websites in general) are a primary focus for Digital Communications at UMaine, multiple […]

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Winter website updates underway: SEO, Events Calendar, Jetpack

The Digital Communications team has been performing behind-the-scenes work with your websites. You may see changes in the WordPress dashboard once these changes are made: SEO — Moving from Yoast to SEOPress As mentioned in our October newsletter, we are transitioning from the Yoast SEO tool to SEOPress for search optimization features. The SEOPress tool […]

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Important: known issue with Content Blocks

While we continue to adopt the newer Gutenberg Editor, we are working to ensure our older Content Blocks system continues to work for websites. A critical issue has been discovered with the Content Blocks system and the WordPress revision history feature, resulting in corrupted, uneditable pages when the error occurs. With the help of UMS […]

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DubBot Training

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. This month, we discuss the new accessibility checking tool DubBot and training available. Coming in September: DubBot Accessibility Checker DubBot is a new website compliance checking tool (replacing Monsido) that we will be available for use […]

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Past WPCampus conference recordings available

WPCampus is an annual conference focused on the use of WordPress in higher education. This year’s event was held in mid-July, and recordings of the sessions will be made available soon in their Learning Library. This resource offers a convenient filter to view sessions from 2016–20 on topics from Accessibility to Writing, all with the […]

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Gutenberg training in August

In late June we conducted our “beta test” of Gutenberg training, and the results of that session are informing what will become our official Gutenberg training. We will continue to offer our existing “basics” training (now called content blocks basics), and all three of these trainings (Gutenberg basics, Content Blocks basics, and Beyond the basics) […]

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July 24 WordPress updates

The University of Maine websites benefit from great support by the University of Maine System IT department, and part of this involves a quarterly schedule of updates to keep the technologies we work with current. Updates to add-on software (plug-ins) Features such as our events calendar and web forms use add-on software that WordPress refers […]

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WPCampus 2023 online conference

WPCampus is a non-profit three-day conference focused on the use of WordPress in higher education. In addition to the in-person event, WPCampus will be streaming their events to everyone who registers online for their free online access to this hybrid event. Digital Communications team members will be attending this conference, and we encourage anyone interested […]

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