July 1 changes – Google Analytics, Accessibility training requrements

There are two important changes coming for website content managers on July 1, which we have announced in earlier newsletters.

Google Analytics: Older analytics shutting down end of June, version 4 only July 1

As we have announced over the last year, Google Analytics is shutting off their original Google Analytics product on June 30, 2023. Beginning July 1, only the newer Google Analytics 4 will be collecting data about your website traffic.

Important note about Google Signals

The newer Google Analytics 4 offers integration with Google Signals, which will provide user tracking when a visitor has a Google account (i.e. gmail email and other google applications). While this tracking does not expose user-specific information in reports, we are reviewing the UMS website privacy policy to ensure it aligns with this feature’s capabilities. Please do not activate Google Signals at this time. We expect to be able to use Google Signals soon, once any neccessary changes to the privacy policy are adopted.

New users must complete UMS Academy accessibility pathway before editing/publishing website content

As mentioned earlier this year, compliance with website accessibility guidelines is not optional for University of Maine System websites. In order to ensure new content managers understand their obligations for digital accessibility, the UMS Pathway “Designing Accessible Digital Content” will need to be completed for all new WordPress users beginning July 1.

New users will be able to attend our existing WordPress training sessions prior to completing this pathway, but any user account created beginning July 1 will be given the role of Contributor until proof of course completion is provided (instructions for this are included in the pathway description). The contributor role will allow users to propose new content, but this role does not allow for editing published content, and another user with editor or administrator privileges will need to approve any newly created content.