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Office of Research Development

Measuring Research Impacts

Join ORD for an informational session on measuring research impacts: strategies and approaches, reporting, public dissemination, project outcomes, and more. Register Now

Rural Issues’ Research

Join us for an informational webinar showcasing two rural issues' research projects: "4-H Maple Woodlands Agriculture and Workforce Development" Andrew Hudacs, Assistant Extension Professor, Statewide 4-H Teen Leadership and Workforce Development; University of Maine Cooperative Extension "Rural Resilience: The Role for Innovative Public Transportation" Jonathan Rubin, Director of the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center and […]


The ORD Professional Development Series provides a networking and educational experience for researchers (faculty, staff, and students) across UMS. Our aim is to raise awareness about external funders and funding opportunities, by showcasing awardees who have successfully navigated the process of securing external grants to support their scholarly pursuits. David Harder, Director of UMaine Institute […]

Grants 101- Spring 2025

This Zoom workshop-presented in collaboration with Fogler Library- will cover the basics of setting up a Pivot account and how to search for funding opportunities; along with reading a funder's call and grant writing strategies. Please Submit a Registration Form to Attend

Open Access Publishing and Creative Commons

Join ORD for an informational session on Open Access Publishing and Creative Commons; presented by Fogler Library's Open Scholarship Librarian Casey Koons. Register Now

“Building Ethical Resilience Among College Students Using Metacognitive Approaches”

Training the next generation of college students early and effectively in research ethics is a crucial component of their education. This project will develop, implement, and test a college-level course in ethical decision-making for emerging science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professionals to better prepare them for the pressures they may encounter in the workplace. […]

CORE/Data Management

Join ORD for an informational session about a UMS-accessible resource to support research- CORE (Coordinated Operating Research Entities)- and information on strategies and protocols on data management and security. CORE supports facilities and laboratories across campus, including the Small Animal Research Facility (SARF), Zebrafish Laboratory, Freezer Program, DNA Sequencing Facility, Environmental DNA (eDNA) Service Center, […]

“Development of Cost Effective Biosorbents to Remediate Heavy Metals and PFAS Contaminated Wastewater” (MEIF-SCI)

This presentation will showcase the Maine Economic Improvement Fund-Small Campus Initiative funded project to develop biosorbents that remove dissolved heavy metals and per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from water bodies, and suitable UV-Vis spectroscopic techniques to analyze water samples. Udaya Jayasundara, Assistant Professor of Chemistry; University of Maine Presque Isle Click here to register

Early Career Funding Opportunities

The ORD Professional Development Series provides a networking and educational experience for researchers (faculty, staff, and students) across UMS. Our aim is to raise awareness about external funders and funding opportunities, by showcasing awardees who have successfully navigated the process of securing external grants to support their scholarly pursuits. Evan Wujcik, UMaine Assistant Professor of […]
