Forestry and the Environment

Weiskittel says carbon storage levels in trees may be overestimated

Aaron Weiskittel, director of the University of Maine Center for Research on Sustainable Forests, was interviewed for the story “Are We Overestimating How Much Trees Will Help Fight Climate Change?” in Undark. Bob Marra, a forest pathologist at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station who uses imaging scans to measure internal decay of trees, says internal […]

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MD Islander speaks with Gardner about link between ticks, Acadia fire of ’47

Mount Desert Islander spoke with Allison Gardner, an assistant professor of arthropod vector biology at the University of Maine, about a study she’s leading that found ticks are more abundant in parts of Acadia National Park that burned in the October 1947 fire. “We’re trying to establish associations between where we see high densities of […]

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Study finds small mammals aid expansion of warm-climate trees

A new study by Alessio Mortelliti, an assistant professor of wildlife habitat ecology at the University of Maine, finds small mammals could affect whether trees spread to new areas in a warming climate. Mortelliti’s research, which was published in the journal Oikos, looks at the behavior of small forest mammals that eat acorns and other […]

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New $20 million additive manufacturing initiative connects local economies with national lab, UMaine resources

A new research collaboration between the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center and the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will advance efforts to 3D print with wood products, creating a new market for Maine’s forest products industry.    U.S. Sens. Susan Collins, Lamar Alexander and Angus King joined Daniel Simmons, […]

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News Center Maine speaks with Shaler, Weiskittel about Maine forest industry

News Center Maine spoke with Stephen Shaler, a professor and director of the University of Maine School of Forest Resources, and Aaron Weiskittel, a professor of forest biometrics and modeling at UMaine, about how Maine’s forest industry is adapting to a world with a decreased demand for paper products. “Now we are in the era […]

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Two UMaine researchers awarded fellowships to study in Acadia National Park

Two University of Maine researchers have been awarded fellowships to conduct studies in Acadia National Park as part of Second Century Stewardship, an initiative of the National Park Service and Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park. The 2019 research fellows from UMaine are Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, the David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow at the […]

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