Alumni profiles

Emily Carbonetti

Emily Carbonetti: Four-decade career in the classroom started at UMaine

As a third generation Black Bear, Emily Carbonetti’s connections to the University of Maine run deep. Her mom’s family was from Augusta, and her grandfather and both of her parents graduated from UMaine. “My mother had no choice. She was going to the University of Maine — that was it,” says Carbonetti, half joking.  Her […]

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Maura Philippone

Maura Philippone: Recent grad wants to help people find their true voices

Maura Philippone has been awarded a 2020 National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) Scholarship.  The competitive merit-based scholarship is awarded to up to three undergraduate senior students nationwide who are active in NSSLHA and will begin their graduate studies in fall following graduation.  Philippone graduated summa cum laude in May 2020 from the University […]

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Mason Crocker

Mason Crocker: Dedicated alum, enthusiastic medical student

Mason Crocker graduated from Gorham High School in 2012. While he had an affinity for academics, particularly science and especially biology, his sights were not set on college while in high school. It was only with strong encouragement from his English teacher and guidance counselor that his application to the University of Maine was completed. […]

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John Cangelosi

John Cangelosi: Bangor High School science teacher, UMaine grad honored with Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching

Bangor High School science teacher and University of Maine alumnus John Cangelosi (’96, ’12G) is one of 107 educators nationwide to receive a 2020 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).  Administered by the National Science Foundation on behalf of the White House, the awards are considered the highest honor bestowed by […]

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Jesse Groening

Curiosity drives Groening ’10 to document, share people’s unique stories

A cluster of elm trees near Stodder Hall is Jesse Groening’s favorite University of Maine spot. “They were the best for climbing and getting a bird’s-eye view of the campus,” says the 2010 graduate. Since Commencement, the broadcast journalism major and TV film and video minor has had lots of interesting views and opportunities. He’s […]

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Josephine Roussell: Ocean steward helps develop oyster sorter

Editor’s note: Story updated June 3. There are lots of oysters on Josephine Roussell’s plate. A few literally, and many more figuratively. The 2018 University of Maine graduate is a research technician on a team designing a sorter for small-scale oyster growers. Aquaculture already provides more than 50 percent of seafood worldwide, according to the […]

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Jon Velishka

Jon Velishka: From education major to soldier and back to the classroom

Lt. Col. Jon Velishka takes another sip of coffee. When giving a 9 a.m. lecture to University of Maine graduate students on complex issues of national security and foreign policy, it helps to be well caffeinated. “You have to come back to a framework,” Velishka tells the class. “You have to come back to something […]

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Iva Jugovic

Iva Jugovic: UMaine alumna shares her journey from Serbia to Switzerland

Iva Jugovic started her academic journey at the University of Maine in 2011. At the age of 19, she traveled 4,000 miles across the Atlantic, from her hometown Leskovac, Serbia to Orono, Maine to pursue her undergraduate studies. The recipient of a full-tuition scholarship to UMaine, Jugovic quickly took an interest in the health-related sciences […]

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