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Mathematics & Statistics

Latest Past Events

Math club guest speaker: Dr. Colin Carroll

208 Neville Hall

Dr. Colin Carroll, Google Research Automatic differentiation and machine learning Neville Hall 208 Talk is 5:00-6:00pm and there will be pizza!

Math Colloquium: Andrew Knightly

101 Neville

Prof. Andrew Knightly, University of Maine Statistical properties of elliptic curves and modular forms 101 Neville Hall Talk 3:15 – 4:15 pm, refreshments at 3:00 pm

An introduction to the actuarial career

Hill Auditorium, Barrows (ESRB)

The Math Club will be joined at their first meeting of the semester by Matthew Ackley and Alexiis Fiore, who are UMaine mathematics alumni and associates in Unum’s Actuarial Development Program. They will give an overview of the actuarial profession, an example of an actuarial mathematics problem, and discuss what an actuarial career looks like […]
