Keith Evans


๐ŸŒก Climate change, ๐ŸŒŠ Coastal and marine topics, ๐Ÿ•ธEcology, ๐Ÿ“ˆ Economics, ๐ŸŸ Fish, ๐ŸŽฃ Fisheries, ๐Ÿž Food security, ๐Ÿค Seafood

Evans’s research focuses on how Maineโ€™s seafood economy can withstand the pressures of change. He studies how resource management decisions impact resource users and influence public preferences for resource policy and products. He is currently investigating how climate impacts Maineโ€™s American lobster fishery. His research also focuses on rights-based fisheries management, cooperation in the commons, marine aquaculture, marine policy, and non-market valuation methods.ย Visit Evans’s biography to learn more.

A bubble chart demonstrating a 50% research 50% teaching appointment split.
Evans balances time between teaching (50%) courses about advanced econometrics and natural resources economics and policy, and research (50%) on how the seafood economy responds to change.

Appointment details

Evansโ€™s work is supported by:

  • School of Economics at the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
  • Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station

Experiment Station contributions

  • Current project: Resiliency and the Seafood Economy. Hatch project number ME022202.