Experiment Station Resources

Following is a collection of resources for the experiment station progams:



Employee Training Resources

Following are links to various resources related to employee training in the areas of environmental health and safety, research, and information management. This is not a complete list of all available employee training offered by the University of Maine.

Examples of record-keeping forms with sample data

Blank record-keeping forms

Communication Resources

A more comprehensive collection of communication resources for Experiment Station faculty and staff are available online here.

Email signature

All faculty with an Experiment Station appointment are expected to include this affiliation in their email signature. Those with split appointments should list their majority appointment first. Examples are available here.

Sharing news and working with the media

You can submit news items through an online form here.

All faculty with an Experiment Station appointment are expected to identify with this when they discuss their research in public and with the press. Examples are below:

  • Bananas Bear, professor of science at UMaine’s Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station, . . .
  • Bear’s lab, which is part of the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station at UMaine, will . . .
  • Bananas Bear, professor of science at Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station and science specialist with the Science Advancement Institute, both of the University of Maine, . . .

If coverage features research that was conducted on Experiment Station farms or facilities, you are expected to acknowledge that as well. An example is below:

  • Bear’s lab and Aroostook Farm are part of the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station at the state’s R1 public research university.

Talking points about the Experiment Station

Quick talking points about the Experiment Station are available online here.

Recommended acknowledgment statement

On all papers, presentations, posters and other opportunities, please include the following statement:

This project was supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, [Hatch/McIntire-Stennis/ Animal Health] Project Number ME0-XXXX through the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station.

On all papers, please list your appointment in the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station in addition to any other appointments you wish to list.