Experiment Station Resources

Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Policies and Procedures (updated May 2024)

Request Forms: These forms pertain to all MAFES facilities. Individual facilities have additional forms pertaining to their unique policies and assets.

  • Farm Use Request Form (Research) – Please use this form to facilities space, acreage, and/or animal use at one of the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Farms and Facilities
    • Instructions and Process Details:
      • Initial Farm Use Request: If you have multiple experiments/projects you will need to submit a separate form for each experiment/project.
        • Once submitted, your form will go to the Farm Superintendent for review.  You will also receive a copy of your submission. You can edit your responses.  We will reach out if there are any issues and confirm that your farm use request has been approved. 
      • End of Season Report: You will also use this submission to submit your end of season report. To do so you simply change your answer to the last question from No to Yes and it will prompt you with additional end of season questions.  Save the email you received with your initial submission as that contains the link to your completed form and you will not have to start from scratch. 
  • Event Use Request Form – We welcome all types of events and activities to be noted on this form including meetings, public events, undergraduate lab field trips, etc. Please complete this form as your formal event request. Once reviewed, we will process your request within 4 business days and be in touch to further discuss event specifics. Completion of this form helps Experiment Station staff track its farms and horticultural facilities, which is essential for our continued operation and reporting to the USDA. This information will also help us coordinate the timing of all events on farms! 
  • Off-Site Equipment Use Reporting Form – Equipment stored on Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station farms and facilities or owned by the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station is often used off-site for research and extension projects.
    • Use this form if:
      1. You are taking equipment off-site to be used on a non-contaminated site or
      2. You are taking equipment off-site to be used on a know contaminated site.  You must also agree to follow the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Stations decontamination protocols here: PFAS Decontamination Protocol for Equipment and Vehicles 
    • Animal Use Request Form – For use of animals for on- or-off campus events.

Publication program: Application for MAFES Publication Funding – Since the establishment of the MAFES Publication Registry Program, more than 30+ years ago, the publishing of scientific manuscripts has shifted from physical prints to digital publications. MAFES will continue to pay for traditional page charges or for open access to publications associated with MAFES projects but not for both. MAFES will fund publication charges up to $1500. We expect to be able to allocate a total of $20K per year for publications, with $10K allocated in each of two application cycles each year. Submission deadlines will be updated bi-annually.

Multistate travel: MAFES is currently unable to provide travel support for Multistate projects. We will provide updated policy changes when available.