We are launching new software to enhance your experience. please follow the instructions carefully.

regular room signup

Important: Room Signup has been delayed by one week. It is now March 3rd through March 9th.

UMaine student moving into the dorms

Application & Roommate Group Steps

For Current Residents Only

ALL students MUST complete a housing application BY February 23rd to be able to participate in the self-selection process. This means that the person with the earlier starting time frame will not be able to pull in their roommate until their roommate has completed a housing application.

  1. Log into the myHousing Portal (eRezLife). https://maine.erezlife.com/
  2. Update your Profile, if necessary. Return to Home page.
  3. Complete the housing application for the fall term.
    1. Under Recommended Actions, click on “Apply for Housing.”
    2. Click on “Apply Now” for the Fall 2025 term on the left.
    3. Complete housing application. Select and rank building preferences, and complete and submit application.
  4. Click on “Home.” You now have some new Recommended Actions (create a Roommate Profile and create a Roommate Group). Note – Apply for Housing will still show while the application period is open even if you have completed it. Once we close it in the fall, it will go away.
  5. The options mentioned above will also appear on the left side menu.
  6. Click on “My Roommate Profile.”
  7. Turn on my profile by checking this box at the top. This enables you to search for and be searched for as a roommate. Select the things you are willing to share with others looking for a roommate and any information you would like to share about yourself and the media platforms you would like to use. SAVE
  8. “Roommate Search” now appears on the left. Use this to search for a compatible roommate.
  9. If you already know who you want to live with, “Roommate Groups” is active. If you have been invited to a Roommate Group, it will appear here. Just select your choice or create a Roommate Group. Remember – If your roommate group members have not completed a housing application, you will not be able to add them to your roommate group.
  10. Create Roommate Group.
    1. Name Roommate Group (ie, Sally’s Besties, etc) – Save.
    2. If you are the person creating a Roommate Group and will be selecting a double room with a roommate, add your group member (roommate) by searching for them OR by adding their school email address.
    3. You may also search for a roommate by clicking on “Roommate Search” from the left side menu.
    4. Once you have found your person, click on “Add to roommate group” and add them.
    5. Click on “Roommate Groups” again. You can now see the members of your roommate group and an invitation to join your group has been sent to the members you have added. They must log into the “new” myHousing Portal and accept the roommate group invitation.
    6. Once your roommate or all members of your group have chosen to be part of the group, a green check mark will appear by their name.
    7. If you are seeking a single or will be going with a random roommate, you would select “no group.”
  11. This completes the application and Roommate Group portion of the Room Signup Process.

Reminder – All students MUST have a completed housing application in the system by February 23 and confirmed their roommate group (or “no group” if looking for a single or random space) for the semester that you’re selecting a room for BEFORE you can select a room.

Room Selection Steps:

  1. Log into the myHousing Portal (eRezLife).
  2. Before a student can be pulled into a group, each student invited to the group must accept the invitation. If you’ve been invited into a Roommate Group, there will be a notification on your eRezLife Home page called “confirm roommate group request…” You will also see a red number flag on the left menu called “Roommate groups.”
  3. “Housing overview” on the left will show your starting timeslot to select a room.
  4. You can preview rooms prior to your timeslot starting. You will only see the rooms you qualify for. You can click “include beds I am not eligible for” to see the reason you cannot select that space.
  5. You can “star” rooms to be your favorites, which will make it easier and quicker for you when you time slot opens up to select a room.
  6. Select the term that you are selecting a room for at the left (ie, “UM: Orono Academic Year 2025-2025: Fall 2025” Term).
  7. You will see a button that says “Browse Rooms” if your timeslot has begun.
  8. If you have selected favorites from previewing rooms before, they will be listed here.
  9. Click on a bed in the room you want, and click “choose my bed.”
  10. The next page will give you a summary of the room you have selected along with your roommate group.
  11. If this is the room you want, click on “Assign us now.”
  12. If you want to look at other rooms, simply choose “Look at other rooms.” This releases the room to others while you look at other spaces.
  13. The next page will confirm at the top of the page and show the deadline you have to make any changes.
  14. Once you assign yourself, you will see a couple of options if you scroll down a bit.
  15. “Keep reservation, but browse other rooms” – This secures the room you have selected, but you can search for a different one and switch if you want.
  16. “Cancel this reservation and look for another room” – This releases the current room you have selected and starts you over from scratch.
  17. Select your Meal Plan. You will only see the meal plans you are eligible for.
  18. Each student in your group must select a meal plan. Once their lottery time slot begins, they may go in and select their meal plan. If they do not select their own meal plan, they will be given the default plan of the Basic Unlimited Meal Plan.
  19. Students may change their meal plan starting during Room Signup Week through the third week of the fall semester.
  20. Your Room Signup Process is now complete! Thank you for living with us on campus next year!

If you go back to your Home page, you will see a few new Recommended Actions.

“view housing assignment for Academic Year 2025-2026 (Fall Term)” This shows your room and meal plan that you have secured.

“review your room selection for Academic Year…” This allows you to go in and change your room until the deadline for Room Signup Week. Once Room Signup Week ends this action will disappear.

“change meal plan for Academic Year…” This allows you to change your meal plan through the third week of the fall semester.

Cancellation Fees – The Cancellation fees outlined on our website go into effect the day after Room Signup Week is over.

Thank you for your interest in living on campus again.

Please email questions to um.housing@maine.edu.

which residence halls can i choose when selecting my room?

  • Aroostook 1st & 2nd floors (Substance Free)
  • Aroostook 3rd & 4th floors (Prism+ Community)
  • Balentine all floors (Honors College Only)
  • Colvin all floors (Honors College Only)
  • Gannett 3rd & 4th floors
  • Hancock Daylight Basement Level (All Double-Singles**)
  • Hancock 2nd & 3rd floors (Double-Singles** & a few Doubles on 3rd floor)
  • Hart all floors
  • Kennebec 1st floor
  • Kennebec 2nd floor (Mosaic Community)
  • Kennebec 3rd & 4th floors (Outdoor Adventure)
  • Penobscot 3rd & 4th floors (Honors College Small-Singles available)
  • York 1st & 3rd floor

Subject to Change

**Double-Single Rooms are a double-room with two beds, and two desks all to yourself at a higher rate. Furniture cannot be removed from the room.

***Deluxe Single Rooms are a double-size room with a full-size bed, chair w/ottoman, MicroChill unit, UMaine blanket and wall decor, dresser, desk w/chair and two closets.

  • Aroostook 1st & 2nd floors (Substance Free)
  • Aroostook 3rd & 4th floors (Prism+ Community)
  • Balentine all floors (Honors College Only)
  • Colvin all floors (Honors College Only)
  • Gannett 3rd & 4th floors
  • Hancock Daylight Basement Level (All Double-Singles**)
  • Hancock 1st floor (Deluxe Singles***)
  • Hancock 2nd & 3rd floors (Double-Singles** & a few Doubles on 3rd floor)
  • Hart all floors
  • Kennebec 1st floor
  • Kennebec 2nd floor (Mosaic Community)
  • Kennebec 3rd & 4th floors (Outdoor Adventure)
  • Oak (all singles)
  • Penobscot 3rd & 4th floors (Honors College Small-Singles available)
  • Stodder 3rd floor Deluxe Singles & Doubles – Honors College Only
  • York 1st & 3rd floor

Subject to Change

**Double-Single Rooms are a double-room with two beds, and two desks all to yourself at a higher rate. Furniture cannot be removed from the room.

***Deluxe Single Rooms are a double-size room with a full-size bed, chair w/ottoman, MicroChill unit, UMaine blanket and wall decor, dresser, desk w/chair and two closets.

Room Signup Timeline

DTAV/Patch applications open

DTAV/Patch applications due

DTAV/Patch applicants notified of assignments via email

Medical Single Students notified of room assignments

housing applications must be complete in order to participate in room self-selection

Regular Online Room Self-Selection Week BEGINS

Room Self-Selection Week ENDS

No room assignment?
Students may submit a housing application and be assigned by the Housing Office.

Androscoggin Hall mailboxes

change of plans?

Cancellations are allowed; however, fees will be applied if a student cancels the day after Room Signup Week is over. Review the cancellation fees below.

thank you for your interest in on campus housing!


Email um.housing@maine.edu