Engaging around Equity: A History of PACE, 2009 - 2019

2009 - 2016: ADVANCE Initiatives Council

The Advance Initiatives Council, or AIC, was formed in March 2009 to serve as internal advisors for the ADVANCE project team at UMaine. This group was invaluable in focusing the efforts of the Rising Tide Center, particularly by supporting discussion of broader issues that affect the recruitment and retention of women faculty in all disciplines at UMaine.

2016-2019: Provost's Council on Advancing Women Faculty

The AIC evolved into the Provost’s Council on the Advancement of Women Faculty (PCAWF) in the fall of 2016, filling an advisory role to the Provost as he sought to foster a supportive and inclusive climate for all faculty at UMaine. The Director of the Rising Tide Center served as the liaison to PCAWF.

Fall 2019: Provost's Advisory Council on Equity

In Sept. 2019, an enhanced mission statement and new membership guidelines were developed and adopted by this council, which is now known as the Provost’s Advisory Council on Equity, or PACE. This group seeks to foster equity for all faculty, with a focus on supporting women and underrepresented minorities. 

Photo of Christmas Lights at the President's house
2019-2020 PACE Roster
Debra Allen, Institutional Research
Francois Amar, Honors College
Kitty Armstrong, Office of Equal Opportunity
Orlina Boteva, International Programs
Rebecca Buchanan, College of Education and Human Development
Lily Calderwood, Cooperative Extension
Hannah Carter, Cooperative Extension
Laura Cowan, English
Scott Delcourt, Graduate School
Sheila Edalatpour, Mechanical Engineering
Niclas Erhardt, Maine Business School
Susan Gardner, Rising Tide Center/WGS
Faye Gilbert, Interim Provost and Maine Business School
Mary Gresham, College of Education & Human Development

Michael Grillo, Art/AFUM Representative
Emily Haddad, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Immediate Past Chair
Sara Hammond, Office of Equal Opportunity
Dana Humphrey, College of Engineering
Anila Karunakar, Division of Student Life
Nicole Lawrence, Human Resources
Chris Lindstrom, Human Resources
Mollie Ruben, Psychology
Jasmine Saros, Climate Change Institute
Fred Servello, College of  Natural Sciences, Forestry & Agriculture, 2019-2020 Chair
Kristy Townsend, WiSTEMM
Michael Weber, Maine Business School
Stephanie Welcomer, Maine Business School
Kimberly Whitehead, Office of the President