
Uploading PDFs to your website

(this information originally appeared in our August 2020 newsletter) If you are uploading documents such as PDFs to your website, you should be using our Resources feature — it is intended for files that are linked across your website and can be used in email communications. Refer to our user guide for specific instructions on using the […]

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UMaine website updates and bug fixes (August 2019)

In early August, our campus WordPress environment was upgraded to the latest version of WordPress (5.2.2). As detailed in our December newsletter, we will continue to utilize the “Classic editor” alongside our own content blocks feature for the foreseeable future. Over the coming year, we will be working with UMS IT to create a new […]

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Known issues with UMaine’s WordPress system

The UMaine website design— ‘theme’ in WordPress terms— is complex, and there are known issues you may encounter: Importing events into website calendar We license a “content aggregator” feature for our events calendar software, which works to import events in a shared Google calendar as event web pages you may list in a calendar […]

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