
Accessibility and inclusion: Online training for all content creators

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. Ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. This month, we share improvements to online accessibility training from the University of Maine System. UMS Academy learning pathway — Designing Accessible Digital Content […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Support and consultations

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. Ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. This month, we offer ourselves as a resource to help you ensure your website adheres to these important requirements. Print and email materials If […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Accessibility with emails

For longtime readers, this originally appeared in our November 2018 newsletter. Email is an effective engagement tool— this newsletter, for example, has been well received and gives us opportunity to share our expertise in bite-sized, monthly updates. These days, emails can contain many of the same features as web pages, and therefore the same web […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Accessibility with links

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. Ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. This month, we share guidance about links on your web pages. For longtime readers, this originally appeared in our March 2019 newsletter. How links work […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Webinar on Creating Accessible Content August 10 

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. Ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. Maine CITE is offering a free webinar in August, Creating Accessible Content. Here is their description of the webinar: Webinar: Creating Accessible Content Date: […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Accessibility Guidelines and Checklists

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. Ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. This month, we call attention to a great resource developed by the University of Maine System: Accessibility Guidelines on the University of Maine […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Accessibility with documents

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. Ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. This month, we call attention to resources and trainings available through the Maine Department of Education’s Maine CITE Program. A main focus of […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Accessibility with the image content block

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. Ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. Using the image content block to add visual interest to your page is a great feature of our website. At the same time, […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Accessible image checklist

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. Ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. Using photos and infographics is a great way to inject visual interest into your web content. Web accessibility guidelines recognize this, and give […]

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