BDN cites Dill, UMaine Extension in article of Maine’s mosquitoes

The Bangor Daily News cited Jim Dill, a pest management specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, as well as facts provided by UMaine Extension in the article, “Maine’s mosquitoes: More than just a nuisance.” In recent years, two mosquito-borne illnesses have been reported in Maine: West Nile virus and Eastern equine encephalitis, or EEE, according to the article. Dill said that although the chances of Maine mosquitoes transmitting a deadly virus are very slim, he warns people to remember to protect themselves from the pests by wearing thick clothing, bug netting or insect repellent. “Everyone is concerned about the Zika virus and the mosquito’s transmission of it,” Dill said. “Right at the moment, two species [of mosquitoes] are known to be vectors of the virus, and we do not have either one of them established in Maine.” The article also included information from the UMaine Extension bulletin, “Mosquito Biology.” WGME (Channel 13 in Portland) also carried the BDN report.