Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Spanish Courses

Graduate Courses

Note: All 500-level courses require graduate standing.

SPA 503 Cervantes’ Don Quijote

A close reading of Cervantes’ Don Quijote. Special attention paid to narrative structures, historical background, and Baroque perspectivism. (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: Advanced oral proficiency in Spanish

SPA 511: Latin American Theater

A study of major dramatists from Latin America.  Reading and analysis of works, class discussion. (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: Permission

SPA 515: Seminar in Advanced Grammar

An advanced presentation of Spanish grammar utilizing a linguistic approach rather than prescriptive grammatical rules.  Active, frequent participation by students is expected, leading to the level of ADVANCED SUPERIOR according to ACTFL guidelines. (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: Permission

SPA 520: Seminar in Film

Areas covered may vary and could include the following topics: national cinemas; directors of note; the social, political, historic and economic factors that influence both the creation and content of films; and an analysis of the components of cinematography. May be repeated for credit once. (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: Permission

SPA 544: Seminar in Translation

Develops student’s ability to translate texts from Spanish into English.  Attention will also be paid to the acquisition of practical and theoretical aspects of translation in general, through readings on translation, its history and current status as a profession.  Texts to be translated will be cultural and literary, and develop sensitivity to the Spanish language and its diverse forms. (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: Permission.

SPA 549: Seminar in Language & Culture

A course in the fundamental aspects of the social features of human language and Spanish in particular.  Class discussion includes definition and analysis of basic terms and principles of sociolinguistics, linguistic variation and factors such as sex, sociocultural level of speakers and communities, age, languages in contact and the relevance of sociolinguistics to second language instruction. (3 Credits)

SPA 550: Seminar in Hispanic Civilization

Looks at the ways in which a cultural theme or time period has been portrayed in various media, including art, literature, film, posters, and music.  The examples will be from both within Iberia and America.  Selection of materials will cover a broad range and include examples up to the current period. We will discuss the intersection of art vs. politics, the approaches of the different cultural forms, and issues that play a role in their creation/reception, such as gender, class, and linguistic knowledge. May be repeated for credit up to 4 times. (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: Permission

SPA 551: Women of the Hispanic World: Advanced Readings

Provides an overview of women in the “Hispanic World”: we will address the complexity of the term “Hispanic.”  Readings include original texts by women plus studies of women’s groups from a social class, race, and political perspective.  Indigenous, African and European elements are their effects on women’s lives will be addressed through creative writing, interviews, essays, and other media.  Course taught in Spanish. (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: Permission

SPA 555: Seminar in Travel Writing

Looks at texts written in or translated into Spanish by travelers of different time periods, gender, political views.  Discussion includes the nature of this literacy genre through theoretical and critical readings, its development over the centuries, and comparison to tourism.  Assignments include close readings of a variety of authors, two projects on selected focus areas (e.g. women travelers, 19th century, a Latin America region or country), and students’ own travel writing. May be repeated for credit up to two times. (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: Permission.

SPA 566: Methods of Teaching in Spanish

This course includes the study and discussion of theories and methods of Spanish language instruction.  Students will observe K-12 Spanish classes and present lessons for peers for feedback.  The will be ample opportunity for reflection and query, including in areas of individual interest. (3 Credits)

SPA 576: Community Projects and the Spanish Classroom

Designed to demonstrate the concept of community engagement or service-learning as an approach to teaching and its appropriateness for language instruction.  Non-teachers will find the project development useful in improving their communication skills and cultural awareness in Spanish. (3 Credits)

SPA 597: Projects in Spanish I

Specific projects vary from semester to semester depending on the needs of the graduate student and the skills of the faculty member. May be repeated for credit. (3 Credits)

SPA 598: Projects in Spanish II

Specific projects vary from semester to semester depending on the needs of the graduate student and the skills of the faculty member. May be repeated for credit. (3 Credits)

Undergraduate Courses

For the most up to date information see the Course Catalog.

SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I

A systematic study of the basics of the Spanish language. Equal emphasis on developing reading, comprehension, speaking and writing skills. For students with no previous study of Spanish or fewer than two years in high school. (4 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.

SPA 102: Elementary Spanish II

A continued study of the basics of the Spanish language. Equal emphasis is placed on developing reading, comprehension, speaking and writing skills. For students with no previous study of Spanish or fewer than two years in high school. (4 Credits)

Prerequisite: SPA 101 or equivalent.

SPA 109: Spanish for the Medical Profession

In response to the ever-growing Spanish-speaking population in the United States, this course will address the specific Spanish communications skills required by those students who intend to pursue careers in medical or health-care fields. This course will focus on medical situations with Spanish speaking patients and/or family members with limited English. It will emphasize technical vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and grammar, as well as cultural awareness. Entering students will need to have an elementary notion of Spanish to be able to benefit fully from this course.

This course is equivalent to SPA 101. SPA 101 and SPA 109 cannot both be taken for credit. (3 Credits)
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirements. Online

SPA 117: Accelerated Spanish I

An intensive systematic study of the Spanish language at the beginning level that provides the equivalent of two semesters of beginning Spanish (SPA 101 and SPA 102) in one semester. For students with no previous study of Spanish or fewer than two years of high school Spanish. (6 Credits)

SPA 203: Intermediate Spanish I

An integrated approach. Reading texts as well as other materials will be employed to strengthen reading, writing and especially speaking and comprehension skills. Includes a systematic but gradual review of the essentials of Spanish grammar. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.

Prerequisite: SPA 102 or equivalent.

SPA 204: Intermediate Spanish II

A continuation of SPA 203 designed to strengthen reading, writing, speaking and comprehension skills. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.

Prerequisite: SPA 203 or equivalent.

SPA 217: Accelerated Spanish II

This course is a continuation of SPA 117 Accelerated Spanish I. A multi-media intensive study of Spanish language and culture that develops speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. Equivalent to two semester of intermediate Spanish (SPA 203 and SPA 204). (6 Credits)

Prerequisites: SPA102 or SPA 117 or permission.

SPA 305: Applied Spanish

Intensive oral and written practice in real-life situations. Development of confidence, accuracy, fluency, and communicative strategies in formal and informal modes of expression. Guided development of idiomatic expression and structures; development of self-correct in speech and writing. Reinforcement through interactive situations. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Writing Intensive requirements.

Prerequisite: SPA 204 or SPA 217 or any 300-level course or above.

SPA 306: Workshop in Speaking and Writing Spanish

Develops fluency and accuracy in written and oral Spanish. Students help design course content through projects, performances, and problem-solving. (3 Credits)

General Education Requirements: Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspective and Writing Intensive Requirements.

Prerequisites: SPA 204 or SPA 217 or any 300-level course or above.

SPA 307: Readings in Peninsular Literature

An overview of Peninsular Spanish literature. Provides practice in reading and analyzing culturally important texts. Includes a selection of genres and periods will be included. May be taken either before or after SPA 308. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives, Western Cultural Tradition and Writing Intensive requirements.

Prerequisite: any 300 level course or above or permission.

SPA 308: Readings in Spanish American Literature

Emphasis on changes in the cultural phenomena, styles, themes and ideological position of texts from the beginnings of Hispanic American literature through romanticism, naturalism, the novel of the land, the “Boom” and avant-garde movements.
May be taken before or after SPA 307. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.

Prerequisite: any 300 level course or above or permission.

SPA 309: Spanish for the Professions

Designed to provide students who have an intermediate-level knowledge of Spanish familiarity with specialized language and conventions in professional situations. Emphasis will be given to vocabulary and writing skills for professional use as well as awareness of Hispanic culture, cross-cultural communications and applications in Spanish speaking countries. Authentic up-to-date information will require regular use of the Internet as a source of reading. All classes are conducted in Spanish. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Writing Intensive Requirements.

Prerequisite: SPA204 or SPA217 or any 300 level course or above.

SPA 310 Contemporary Latin American Cultures

This course will show students the contrasting and diverse cultures of Latin America. Students will learn about Latin American peoples’ knowledge, technological development, modern life, and traditional cultures. The themes for reading and discussion will be about patrimony (what a people has from their past), art, enterprises, products, market, personalities, syncretism (mixing of cultures), migrations, history, science and society. Students will improve listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives

Prerequisite: SPA204 or SPA217 or any 300 level course or above.

SPA 311: Latinos in the US

Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population, and much of that growth is driven by immigration. In this course we cover: the definition of immigration, the Latino experience in the United States, and Latinos in Maine. We approach these topics through different types of authentic material: literature (stories, poems, and excerpts from novels), newspaper and magazine articles, blogs, songs, plays, movies, television, radio, video clips, audio clips (podcasts) and art (graffiti, mural, painting, digital art, cartoon, and photo). We also talk with Latino immigrants from different countries of origin. Students will improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish. The course will be taught entirely in Spanish and the readings will be in the target language. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirements

Prerequisite: SPA204 or SPA217 or any 300 level course or above.

SPA 390: Topics in Spanish

May include the study of literature, culture, cinema, the arts and media as expressed in Spanish-speaking countries.  Topics vary.  May be repeated for credit. (1-3 Credits)

Prerequisite: any 300 level course or above or permission.

SPA 401: Golden Age

A study of masterpieces of poetry and prose from the 16th and 17th centuries provides an overview of the period and critical abilities. Poetry by Garcilaso, Fray Luis, San Juan, Gongora, and Quevedo, etc. Prose readings include Lazarillo de Tormes, Diana, Suenos y discursos, and Novelas ejemplares, etc.,. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Western Cultural Tradition requirements.

Prerequisite: SPA 307 or SPA 308 or permission of the instructor.

SPA 403: Cervantes

A careful reading of the Spanish masterpiece, Don Quixote, including its historical background and continuing influence. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Western Cultural Tradition requirements.

Prerequisite: SPA 307 or SPA 308 or permission of the instructor.

SPA 409: Contemporary Latin-American Short Story

A study of Latin-American short story writers including discussion of such significant contemporary concerns as poverty, politics and religion, and such themes as the interplay of fantasy and reality and the relativity of madness. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.

Prerequisite: SPA 307 or SPA 308 or permission of the instructor.

SPA 410: Latin American Novel

The contemporary novel in Spanish America, with special attention on some of the novelists of the “Boom.” (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.

Prerequisites: SPA 307 and SPA 308 or permission.

SPA 414: History of the Spanish Language

An historical panorama of the development of Spanish from late Latin on the Iberian Peninsula to the globally dynamic language of our present. Students will study the modern Spanish language in Europe, Africa, the Americas, and around the world, how this language came to be, and how it continues to change. Linguistic notions gleaned in this course have relevance to other modern languages, including English, as well as to the idiosyncrasies and common points of confusion in Spanish. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Writing Intensive.

Prerequisite: SPA 307 or SPA 308 or permission of the instructor

SPA 415: Feminism and Literature

Feminism is one of the most consequential intellectual traditions of the West. This course will examine this far-reaching current of thought in the global literature of the Spanish language, from medieval precursors to twenty-first-century texts. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Western Cultural Tradition  and Social Contexts and Institutions requirements.

Prerequisite: SPA 307 or SPA 308 or permission of the instructor.

SPA 416 – Modernism(o) and Avant-Garde

Across the Hispanic world, writers like Cesar Vallejo, Federico Garcia Lorca, Ruben Dario, Roas Chacel, and Jorge Luis Borges, along with visual artists like Salvador Dali, Maruja Mallo, and Pablo Picasso define what it means to be modern at the beginning of the twentieth century.  This course examines and explores the complicated topic of modernity by surveying Hispanic art and literature from about 1898 to 1945.

General Education Requirements: Artistic and Creativity Expression and Western Cultural Tradition

Prerequisites: SPA 307 or SPA 308 or permission

SPA 420: Hispanic Film

Areas covered may vary and could include the following topics: national cinemas; director of note; the social, political, historic and economic factors that influence both the creation and content of films; and an analysis of the components of cinematography. May be repeated for credit. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.

Prerequisite: SPA 307 or SPA 308 or permission of the instructor.

SPA 444: Translation Theory & Techniques

Designed to develop awareness of linguistic styles and structures and emphasize the complex relationship between a language and its context. Taught as workshop, with regular assignments of texts for translation, comparison and evaluation. Selections from literature and general topics, although this is not a literature course. Attention given to theories of translation both past and present and how these theories respond to cultural and ideological perspectives; and relate to Spanish translation. (3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspective and Writing Intensive Requirements.

Prerequisite: SPA 307 or SPA 308 or permission of the instructor.

SPA 490: Topics and Individual Authors in Spanish

Specific topic varies semester to semester. May be repeated for credit. (1-3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.

Prerequisite: SPA 307 or SPA 308. 

SPA 495: Senior Capstone in Spanish

Capstone Experience in which majors in Spanish and International Affairs with a concentration in Spanish, or in Cultures, Languages and the Humanities, apply language skills and knowledge gained from all prior language study.  Students work closely with a faculty advisor on an approved project and give a public presentation of the project in Spanish.  When taken as a stand-alone course, the coursework will reflect the work of three credit hours, regardless of number of credits taken.  When taken in conjunction with another Spanish course at the 400 level, the course will carry no credit and will be graded Pass/Fail only. (0-3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Capstone Experience Requirements.

Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission.

SPA 498: Projects in Spanish II

Independent study on topics selected by student and instructor. (1-3 Credits)

Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.

Prerequisite: Permission.