Kayleigh Navarro shares her perspective on study abroad

Studying Abroad helped my language acquisition by allowing myself to apply what I learned in the classroom to real life situations.  I was encouraged to become better at the language as I wanted to express my thoughts and daily needs.

Studying Abroad defined my experience at the University of Maine and beyond.  I am grateful to have participated in the exchange with the Université d’Angers and Université de Nantes.  These two programs helped me further my career upon graduation.  I was chosen to work for the French Government as an English Language Assistant in Nancy, France and upon return  I have taught French to students as young as one and as old as sixty-eight.  Currently I am the French teacher for Bonny Eagle Middle School.  I bring to my classroom my lifelong love of travel and the French language, all of which I can attribute to my Study Abroad experiences with the University of Maine.  

Full immersion into the culture helped to broaden my world view.  I met fellow travelers like myself who shared similar values and locals who opened their arms and invited me into their homes.  To this day, I am still in contact with friends that I met ten years ago and they have come to visit me in Maine on several occasions.

Studying Abroad helped my language acquisition by allowing myself to apply what I learned in the classroom to real life situations.  I was encouraged to become better at the language as I wanted to express my thoughts and daily needs, whether that be the pain au chocolat or the croissant at the bakery that morning.  

I think back fondly to my time abroad and willingly share my experiences to those who listen, a walk up the Eiffel Tower, meeting Mr. Poupon (of the mustard) at the market, a quick walk across Spain, or a train ride through the Alps to celebrate Carnival in Venice.  I bring back home all of my enriching experiences and encourage others to do the same.  Dare to seek the adventure for it is waiting.   

Kayleigh Navarro, International Affairs – French